Manual de uso Black and Decker EK300 Cuchillo eléctrico

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Manual de uso


CAUTION: NEVER place your hand over the blade to
support it while operating this knife. The Blades are
designed to slide back and forth for cutting.
4. To use the Cutting Guide, slip the runners of the
Guide through the holes at the side of the Knife.
(Figure D). The Guide can be positioned on either
side for right or left-handed use. Push in or pull out
to adjust the thickness of sliced breads or meats.
5. To remove the Cutting Guide, grasp the Tab at the
side of the Guide and pull out.
6. To remove the Blades, press the Blade Release
Buttons on both sides of the Handle. Grasp the
Blades on the flat area in front of the Grease Guards
and pull away from the Handle.
1. Before cleaning any part of the Electric Knife,
move the Safety Button to the “Lock” position,
unplug the cord, and remove the Blades. Be sure to
dry all parts thoroughly before next use.
2. Knife Blades and the Cutting Guide may be washed in hot, sudsy
water or in a dishwasher.
3. The Knife Handle and cord may be cleaned with a damp cloth. DO
NOT use any abrasive cleanser or material to clean any part of the
Knife as it may harm the finish.
Service, if necessary, must be performed by a Black & Decker, House-
hold Appliance Company-Owned or Authorized Service Center. The
Service Center nearest you can be found on the insert sheet, in the yel-
low pages of your phone book under “Appliances-Small-Repairing”, or
you may call the appropriate toll-free number on the cover of this manual.
If mailing or shipping your Knife, pack it carefully in its original carton
or any study carton with enough packing material to prevent damage.
Include a note describing the problem to our Service Center and be
sure to give your return address and phone number. We also suggest
that you insure the package for your protection.
Black & Decker warrants this product against any defects that are due
to faulty material or workmanship for a one-year period after the origi-
nal date of consumer purchase or receipt as a gift. This warranty does
not include damage to the product resulting from accident or misuse.
Figure C
Slice-Right Electric Knife
Figure D
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Marca Black and Decker
Modelo EK300
Categoría Cuchillos eléctricos
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 0.19 MB

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Manual de uso Black and Decker EK300 Cuchillo eléctrico

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