Manual de uso Bulova 98A103 Frank Lloyd Wright Reloj de pulsera

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Manual de uso


If the watch has no second hand, merely
pull out the crown and proceed to step 2.
Step 1: When the second hand reaches
the 60th second mark, pull the crown to
the “OUT” position. All hands will stop.
Step 2: Turn the hands forward
(clockwise) to set the time. In order to
prevent the hands from jumping when
the crown is pushed in, set the minute hand
approximately 5 minutes ahead of the
desired minute marker; then, gently turn back to the same minute marker.
Step 3: When the time standard by which you are setting your watch
reaches the 60th second, push the crown to the “IN” position without
turning. All hands will start instantly.
Step 1: When the second hand reaches
the 60th second mark, pull the crown
all the way to the “OUT” position
(you will hear two tiny “click” sounds).
All hands will stop.
Step 2: With the crown still in the “OUT”
position, move hands forward (clockwise)
until you see the date (for date only) or both
day and date change. This establishes
Step 3: For AM time, continue to move the hands forward until the minute
hand is approximately 5 minutes ahead of the desired minute marker; then,
gently turn back to the same minute marker. For PM time, follow the same
procedure, but first advance the hands past 12 o’clock.
Note: The date will advance automatically at midnight, provided that AM
and PM have been established (steps 2 and 3). The watch calendar is
programmed for a 31-day cycle. Therefore, on the first day of any month
following a month with less than 31 days, the date must be advanced
manually (see Step 5).
Step 4: When the time standard by which you are setting your watch
reaches the 60th second, push the crown all the way to the “IN” position
without turning. All hands will start instantly.
Step 5: Pull the crown to the “INTERMEDIATE” position (one “click”). Your
watch will continue to tell time. Slowly turn crown one way until correct date
appears. Then, for day/date models, slowly turn crown the other way until
correct day appears.
Note: The day is printed in two successive positions on the day indicator: in
English and in Spanish on U.S. models; in English and in French,
depending on the models. It is possible to make use of either position. The
display will automatically remain in the language chosen. In some models,
the calendar cannot be changed manually between 9:00pm and 6:00am.
However, the mechanism will not be damaged if the crown is turned
accidentally during this period of time.
Step 6: Push the crown to the “IN” position. Your watch is now
operating normally.
If your watch is equipped with a rotatable outer dial
with oneminute graduations, this can be used in
various ways to check elapsed time. For example
if a diver has a 30-minute air supply, he can set the
outer ring so that the triangle is in line with the minute
hand when he submerges. The minute hand will then
indicate on the outer ring the length of time that the
diver has been under water.
If your watch includes a screw-down crown, you have additional assurance
that it will remain watertight. To make the crown operational, it must be
turned toward you until the threads are disengaged. Then, instructions for
setting must be followed. To reseal the crown, press in until threads
engage. Turn away from you until tight.
IMPORTANT: Unless the crown is properly resealed, it
will not be watertight.
Mechanical watches differ from Quartz watches in several respects:
1. No battery changes are needed - they are powered by a mainspring,
which is wound either by wrist movement; or in some models by daily
winding of the setting crown.
2. Because it is a mechanical device, its accuracy is subject to
the effects of gravity and temperature. You can expect, on the
average, a daily variance of up to 10 to 20 seconds for mechanical
3. Just like automobiles, these watches require routine maintenance.
Due to their mechanical complexity, mechanical watches require cleaning
and new lubrication every 3 to 5 years to run at optimum efficiency.
It must be wound at least six or seven times before you wear it. After that,
your daily activity should wind the watch sufficiently to keep it running at
night when it is not being worn. If your normal daily activity is not sufficient,
occasional supplementary manual winding may be necessary.
It is suggested that your mechanical watch be cleaned and oiled
periodically to insure optimum performance. As a mechanical watch, quartz
watch accuracy cannot be expected. References to the power cell do not
apply to Automatic watches.
Some models feature a second, adjustable hour hand, at the center of the
dial, that points to a 24 hour indicator ring. This hand can be adjusted to
point to any hour on the scale of 24. It can be used as a Time Zone hand.
Step 1. Pull the crown out to the intermediate position.
Step 2. Turn the crown in the direction opposite from the date setting
direction, until the 24 hour hand is in the desired position. Then, push
the crown in to the normal position.
BOOK NO. 63, 11, 448R, 544, 497, 552, 600 General
Watch Setting Guide
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Marca Bulova
Modelo 98A103 Frank Lloyd Wright
Categoría Relojes de pulsera
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 0.3 MB

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La pila de mi dispositivo está oxidada. ¿Puedo seguir usándolo con seguridad? Verificado

Sí, todavía puede usar el dispositivo con seguridad. En primer lugar, retire la pila oxidada. Nunca la toque con sus manos desnudas al hacerlo. A continuación, limpie el compartimento de la pila con un bastoncillo de algodón mojado en vinagre o zumo de limón. Déjelo secar e inserte nuevas pilas.

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Mi reloj mecánico va rápido, ¿qué puedo hacer? Verificado

La exposición a un campo magnético podría ser la causa. Un relojero profesional podría resolverlo mediante un proceso de desmagnetización.

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¿Qué significa AM y PM? Verificado

AM significa Ante Meridiem e indica que la hora es antes del mediodía. PM significa Post Meridiem e indica que la hora es después del mediodía.

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¿Qué es un cronógrafo? Verificado

Un cronógrafo es literalmente un “escritor del tiempo”. El término se utiliza para describir los relojes que indican la hora del día, además de medir un cierto intervalo de tiempo, como un cronómetro.

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¿Qué significan las siglas GMT? Verificado

GMT son las siglas en inglés del tiempo medio de Greenwich (a veces llamado UTC, que significa tiempo universal coordinado). Es la hora en el meridano cero, que pasa por Greenwich cerca de Londres.

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¿Qué es el movimiento de cuarzo? Verificado

Los relojes con movimiento de cuarzo son alimentados por una batería. Esta envía una corriente eléctrica a través de cristales de cuarzo, que vibrarán. Estas vibraciones se transmiten al movimiento. Como las vibraciones tienen una frecuencia fija, los relojes con movimiento de cuarzo son extremadamente precisos.

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Manual de uso Bulova 98A103 Frank Lloyd Wright Reloj de pulsera

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