Manual de uso Camry CR 5025 Plancha

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Manual de uso


18. DO NOT allow for prolonged contact hot steam iron with fabric or flammable materials.
19. Be careful that the power cord does not touch the hot soleplate. Allow the iron to cool
completely before storage.
20. If you do not use iron, even for a short time, turn off the options of steam
21. Under no circumstances should be ironed clothes and fabrics that are on humans or
22. Never direct the steam to humans or pets.
23. Use self-cleaning function at least once a month.
24. Iron must be used at a stable even surface and this can only be disposed of.
25. Do not fill the water tank with chemicals, perfumes or descaling substance.
A. Spray nozzle B. The water inlet hole
C. Steam Control Lever D. Spray button
E. “Steam blast” button F. Power Cord
G. Rotary cable gland H. Thermostat indicator light
I. Thermostat knob - temperature control J. Self-clean button
K. Water tank L. Ceramic soleplate
ANTI-CALC function
A special resin filter inside the water reservoir softens the water and prevents scale build-up in the plate. The resin filter is permanent and
does not need replacing.
PLEASE NOTE: Use tap water only. Distilled and/demineralised water makes the “Zero-Calc” anti-calc system ineffective by altering its
physicochemical characteristics.
The plate may cool down to the point where no more steam comes out, but rather drops of boiling water that can leave marks or stains.
Self-Clean Function
It is recommended that you periodically use the soleplate Self-Clean function which prevents scale build-up in your iron. In order to do this,
fill your iron entirely with water, sit it on its heel, connect to the mains and set the thermostat to "MAX". When the control light goes out,
disconnect the device from the mains and hold it in a horizontal position, e.g. over a sink. Press the Self-Clean button (J) and hold the iron
for about a minute, shaking it. When it cools down, clean the soleplate with a moist cloth to remove any dirt.
First use
When using the iron for the first time, you may notice a slight emission of smoke and hear some sounds made by the expanding plastics. This is
quite normal and it stops after a short time. We also recommend passing the iron over an ordinary cloth when using it for the first time.
Sort the laundry to be ironed according to the international symbols on the garment label, or if this is missing, according to the type of fabric.
Start ironing the garments requiring a low temperature.
This reduces the waiting times (the iron takes less time to heat up than to cool down) and eliminates the risk of scorching the fabric.
Check that the plug is disconnected from the socket. Move the steam selector (C) to “0” . Open the lid (B). Raise the tip of the iron to help
the water enter the opening without overflowing. Slowly pour the water into the reservoir using the special measure and taking care not to
low temperature
silk - wool
medium temperature
Cotton - linen
high temperature
Fabric not to be ironed
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Marca Camry
Modelo CR 5025
Categoría Planchas
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 2.19 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Camry CR 5025 Plancha

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

¿Puedo limpiar la suela de mi plancha con un estropajo? Verificado

No, porque esto podría dañar la suela. Use un paño húmedo o una esponja suave para limpiarla.

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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre una plancha de vapor y una plancha normal? Verificado

La mayor ventaja de una plancha de vapor es que elimina las arrugas más fácilmente debido al uso del vapor. Por el contrario, una plancha normal es mucho más ligera y a menudo más barata.

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La suela de mi plancha se ha descolorido. ¿Puedo seguir planchando con ella? Verificado

Es posible planchar, pero existe la posibilidad de que se pegue a la ropa de color claro.

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¿Puedo planchar los botones? Verificado

No, porque dañará la suela de la plancha impidiendo que ésta funcione correctamente. Nunca planche los botones, las cremalleras u otros objetos duros.

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Manual de uso Camry CR 5025 Plancha

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