Manual de uso Candy PVI630N Placa

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Manual de uso


1 GB
We recommend you keep the instructions for installation and use for later reference, and before installing the hob, note its serial number
below in case you need to get help from the after sales service.
We are constantly striving to improve product quality and as such may modify appliances to incorporate the latest technical improvements.
Glass Ceramic Hobs conform to directives 73/23/CEE and 89/336/CEE.
Identification plate
(located under the hob's bottom casing)
It is strongly recommended to keep children away from the cooking zones while they are in operation or when they are switched off,
so long as the residual heat indicator is on, in order to prevent the risks of serious burns.
• When cooking with fats or oils, take care always to watch the cooking process as heated fats and oils can catch fire rapidly.
The hob’s control area is sensitive, do not place hot containers on it.
Aluminium foil and plastic pans must not be placed on heating zones.
After every use, some cleaning of the hob is necessary to prevent the build up of dirt and grease. If left, this is recooked when the
hob is used and burns giving off smoke and unpleasant smells, not to mention the risks of fire propagation.
• Do not left metallic objects such as knives, forks, spoons or lids on the induction zone,because if they are too large or too heavy, they
could become hot
Never cook food directly on the glass ceramic hob. Always use the appropriate cookware.
Always place the pan in the centre of the unit that you are cooking on.
Do not use the surface as a cutting board.
Do not slide cookware across the hob.
Do not store heavy items above the hob. If they drop onto the hob, they may cause damage.
Do not use the hob as a working surface.
Do not use the hob for storage of any items.
In the unlikely event of a surface crack appearing, do not use the hob. Immediately disconnect the hob from the electrical power supply
and call the After Sales Service.
This appliance complies with current safety regulations and electromagnetic compatibility regulations.
Nevertheless, people with a pacemaker should not use this appliance. It is impossible to guarantee that all such devices found
on the market comply with current safety regulations and electromagnetic compatibilityregulations, and that dangerous interference
will not occur. It is also possible that people with other types of device, such as a hearing aid, could experience some discomfort.
Supply voltage (V/Hz)
Installed electric powe (W)
Product size (w x d x h) mm.
Building-in dimensions (AxB)
220 - 240 V
50/60 Hz
220 - 240 V
50/60 Hz
220 - 240 V
50/60 Hz
220 - 240 V
50/60 Hz
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 1.94 MB)
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Más sobre este manual

Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Candy PVI630N Placa. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Candy. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Candy PVI630N Placa en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Candy
Modelo PVI630N
Categoría Placas
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 1.94 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Candy PVI630N Placa

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

¿Qué sartenes se pueden usar en una placa de inducción? Verificado

Por lo general, todas las sartenes ferromagnéticas se pueden usar en una placa de inducción. Casi todas las sartenes modernas son aptas para inducción.

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El enchufe de mi placa eléctrica no encaja en una toma corriente. ¿Qué debo hacer? Verificado

Muchas placas eléctricas (tanto de cerámica como de inducción) están equipadas con un enchufe diferente. Se debe a que estos aparatos necesitan mucha potencia. Acuda a un profesional para que le instale el aparato.

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¿Por qué se escucha un clic al encender el cocina? Verificado

Si se ha limpiado el cocina con abundante agua, los mandos podrían haberse mojado, provocando el encendido. Espere a que los mandos se sequen. Si el problema persiste, contacte con el fabricante.

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Manual de uso Candy PVI630N Placa

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