Manual de uso Cloer 6235 Grill de contacto

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Manual de uso


Problem / Cause / Solution
Problem Possible
are too dark
were baked
too long
Reduce bak-
ing time
Problem Possible
handle does
not lock into
are too thick
of toppings
sticks to
baking form
No butter
was spread
on outer
sides of toast
on outer
of the toast
Environmentally friendly disposal
We use only environmentally friendly packaging
for the transport of our appliances. Please recy-
cle cardboard/paper and plastic packaging ap-
Electrical appliances should
not be disposed of with
the household trash.
Electrical appliances contain valuable raw ma-
terials. When an appliance is worn-out, please
take it to a recognised recycling facility. Please
consult the local authorities for information on
recycling appliances.
Customer service
In the event that your Cloer appliance becomes
defective, please contact your Cloer dealer or
Cloer customer service department.
Cloer electrical appliances comply with current
EC guidelines and safety regulations.
Conditions of warranty
Cloer grants you, the private end user, a li-
mited manufacturer’s warranty. Assuming
careful handling and compliance with the ope-
rating instructions and safety notices,we will be
obligated to replace the appliance at no cost,
insofar as there are defects in material or work-
manship. The repair will be eff ected by repairing
or replacing defective components. Any parts
replaced will become the property of Cloer. All
further claims of any type, especially claims for
indemnifi cation, are not valid. This warranty
Dear Customer
We are confident that you will be very satisfied
with your new Cloer sandwich maker. Delicious
sandwiches are easy to make and are suitable
for many occasions. Sandwiches are ideal as a
quick meal, for brunch or an in-between snack.
You are limited only by your imagination.
To enhance your enjoyment, we have collected
our best sandwich recipes for you.
– Have fun trying them out –
Your Cloer Company
Preparation for use
Remove all packaging elements and labels, but
not the rating plate.
Place the sandwich maker on a dry, non-slip,
level surface.
CE marking
The appliance meets the require-
ments of the applicable EC direc-
Indoor use
The appliance is intended for in
door use only.
Before initial use
Read these operating instructions carefully be-
fore using the appliance for the first time.
Clean the toasting surfaces with a moist cloth
before heating appliance the first time.
Grease the toasting surfaces before initial use;
subsequent greasing is not necessary, due to
the non-stick coating.
For reasons of hygiene, please do not consume
the first 2 sandwiches.
Safety information
The toasting surfaces of the
appliance become hot during
operation. Please avoid touching
the metal parts.
Danger of being burned!
Use only wooden or heat-resistant plastic uten-
sils to remove the sandwiches in order to pre-
vent the non-stick coating from being scratched.
Plug the power plug into the wall socket; the
red control lamp will light up.
Electrical appliances should
not be disposed of with
the household trash.
8 9
Before toasting the sandwiches, the sandwich
maker must be pre-heated until the red control
lamp goes out for the first time.
The appliance now becomes hot.
Once the red control lamp goes out, the appli-
ance is ready for operation.
Place the sandwiches with toppings on the lo-
wer toasting surface.
Now close the appliance. Make sure that the
locking handle locks into place.
Shortly after closing the lid, the red control lamp
lights up.
The sandwiches are finished as soon as the red
control lamp goes out.
Please remove the sandwiches from the appli-
ance as soon as they have finished baking.
If you wish to bake more sandwiches, place
more sandwiches in the appliance immediately.
It is not necessary to wait for the appliance to
pre-heat again.
Always remove the power plug before cleaning.
Use a paper towel to clean the appliance while
still warm.
TIP: Place two absorbent paper towels between
the baking surfaces and close the appliance.
Afterwards, wipe the sandwich maker with a
damp cloth, but never under flowing water.
Do not use caustic cleaning agents.
Before you start toasting, it is recommended that
you have all ingredients ready. You can also pre-
pare all sandwiches to be toasted beforehand to
reduce waiting times between sandwiches.
Spread butter on the outer sides of the slices of bread.
Any type of toast bread can be used, e.g. rye or
multi-grain, as long as the slices fit into the ba-
king surfaces.
For the creative cook
In making your own sandwich creations you are
limited only by your own imagination. Here is a
list of ingredients you can use:
Salami, cooked ham, tuna fish, you can also use
leftovers from the Sunday roast.
Fruits or vegetables, such as tomatoes, bell
peppers, asparagus, cucumbers, onions,
mushrooms, pineapple, peaches, apricots, man-
darin oranges, bananas, any type of cheese:
sliced, grated or crushed. Soft cheeses that melt
quickly are especially suitable for toasted sand-
Use herbs and spices according to your indivi-
dual taste.
does not aff ect any rights of the customer with
respect to the sale of goods in accordance with
the applicable national laws.
The warranty period is 2 years starting from the
date on which the product was rst purchased
by an end consumer. The warranty period will
not be extendedor begin anew or in any other
way be aff ected by the subsequent sale, repair
or replacement of the product.
This warranty is passed on to you by your re-
tail dealer. In order to assert a warranty claim,
please contact your dealer directly.
If you have questions about your product,
please contact the Cloer importer in your coun-
try. The address and telephone number can be
found on our website at
or you can send an e-mail to
As proof of warranty entitlement you must sub-
mit the original sales receipt with the date of
sale and the dealers address. Without the sales
receipt, the repair will be carried out at your ex-
pense without asking.
The warranty does not cover damages
resulting from
improper use,
natural wear and tear,
external infl uences (e.g. damage from transport,
shocks, jolts, heat, acids, etc.),
insuffi cient decalcifying, *
or unsuitable accessories.
The warranty will be void if the appliance
is used commercially,
is opened or modifi ed without authorisation,
or if unauthorised repairs are attempted.
Also, the warranty does not apply to consum-
able materials.
* electric kettle / coff eemaker / teamaker
ments of the applicable EC direc-
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Más sobre este manual

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Marca Cloer
Modelo 6235
Categoría Grills de contacto
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 2 MB

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Manual de uso Cloer 6235 Grill de contacto

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