Manual de uso Cuisinart PRC-12 Máquina de café

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Manual de uso


Always remove the plug from the electrical outlet
before attempting to clean the percolator.
The percolator cover, basket, lid, and pump tube
(with spring) can all be placed in the upper rack
of a dishwasher or washed in warm soapy water
and rinsed thoroughly.
Never wash percolator body or power cord
in dishwasher.
Never immerse the percolator body in water or other liquids.
To clean, simply wipe with a clean, damp cloth and dry
before storing.
Do not use scouring agents or harsh cleaners on any part of
the percolator.
Note: Washer at bottom of pump tube must move
freely. Should coffee grounds become trapped
near the washer, loosen with a toothpick, then
run under tap water to clean.
Storage: Percolator should be stored with cover off.
Maintenance: Any other servicing should be performed by
an authorized service representative.
Decalcification refers to removing the calcium
deposits that form on the metal parts of the
percolator over time.
For best performance from your percolator, decalcify the
unit from time to time. The frequency depends upon the
hardness of your tap water and how often you use the
percolator. Decalcification will clean the interior of the
To Decalcify, fill percolator with vinegar to the 3 cup
level then add water to the 12 cup level. Combined mix-
ture should not exceed 12 cups. Be sure that all parts
are in place, and make sure that the lid is securely on.
Plug the power cord connector into the cord insert and
plug the unit into an electrical outlet. Let the unit run
through its normal cycle. Once complete, discard the
vinegar and water mixture .
Run one cycle of fresh, cold water (without vinegar)
through the unit at the completion of decalcification
before using the unit to brew coffee.
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Más sobre este manual

Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Cuisinart PRC-12 Máquina de café. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Cuisinart. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Cuisinart PRC-12 Máquina de café en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Cuisinart
Modelo PRC-12
Categoría Máquinas de café
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 0.45 MB

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¿Qué dice la molienda sobre el café? Verificado

El tipo de molienda determina en gran medida el sabor del café. La molienda más fina generalmente significa un sabor más pronunciado, mientras que la molienda más gruesa resulta en un sabor más suave. Con la molienda muy fina el café puede estar amargo.

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¿Cuál es la mejor forma de almacenar el café? Verificado

El café se almacena mejor en una lata limpia y hermética.

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Manual de uso Cuisinart PRC-12 Máquina de café

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