Manual de uso Danby DAC120EB8WDB Aire acondicionado

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Manual de uso


Important Safety Information
Removal and evacuation
When breaking into the refrigerant circuit to make repairs or for any other purpose conventional
procedures shall be used. However, it is important that the best practice is followed since fl ammability is a
consideration. The following procedures shall be adhered to:
• Remove refrigerant.
Purge the circuit with inert gas.
• Evacuate.
Purge again with inert gas.
Open the circuit by cutting or brazing.
The refrigerant charge shall be recovered into the correct recovery cylinders. The system shall be
ushed with OFN to render the unit safe. This process may need to be repeated several times.
Compressed air or oxygen shall not be used for this task.
Flushing shall be achieved by breaking the vacuum in the system with OFN and continuing to fi ll until
the working pressure is achieved, then venting to atmosphere and fi nally pulling down to a vacuum.
This process shall be repeated until no refrigerant is within the system. When the fi nal OFN charge
is used, the system shall be vented down to atmospheric pressure to enable work to take place. This
operation is absolutely vital is brazing operations on the pipe-work are to take place.
Ensure that the outlet for the vacuum pump is not close to any ignition sources and there is ventilation
Charging procedures
In addition to conventional charging procedures, the following requirements shall be followed:
Ensure that contamination of different refrigerants does not occur when using charging equipment.
Hoses or lines shall be as short as possible to minimize the amount of refrigerant contained in them.
Cylinders shall be kept upright.
Ensure that the refrigeration system is earthed prior to charging the system with refrigerant.
Label the system when charging is complete, if not already labeled.
Extreme care shall be taken not to overfi ll the refrigeration system.
Prior to recharging the system it shall be pressure tested with OFN. The system shall be leak tested on
completion of charging but prior to commissioning. A follow up leak test shall be carried out prior to
leaving the site.
Before carrying out this procedure, it is essential that the technician is completely familiar with the
equipment in all its detail. It is recommended good practice that all refrigerants are recovered safely. Prior
to the task being carried out, an oil and refrigerant sample shall be taken in case analysis is required
prior to re-use of reclaimed refrigerant. It is essential that electrical power is available before the task is
A. Become familiar with the equipment and its operation.
B. Isolate system electrically.
C. Before attempting the procedure ensure that:
Mechanical handling equipment is available if required for handling refrigerant cylinders.
All personal protective equipment is available and being used correctly.
The recovery process is supervised at all times by a competent person.
Recovery equipment and cylinders conform to the appropriate standards.
D. Pump down refrigerant system, if possible.
E. If a vacuum is not possible, make a manifold so that refrigerant can be removed from various parts of
the system.
F. Make sure that cylinder is situated on the scales before recovery takes place.
G. Start the recovery machine and operate in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
H. Do not overfi ll cylinders. No more than 80% volume liquid charge.
I. Do not exceed the maximum working pressure of the cylinder, even temporarily.
J. When the cylinders have been fi lled correctly and the process is completed, make sure that the cylinders
and the equipment are removed from the site promptly and all isolation valves on the equipment are
closed off.
K. Recovered refrigerant shall not be charged into another refrigeration system unless it has been cleaned
and checked.
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Marca Danby
Modelo DAC120EB8WDB
Categoría Aires acondicionados
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 3.19 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Danby DAC120EB8WDB Aire acondicionado

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

¿Con qué frecuencia debo limpiar o cambiar los filtros del aire acondicionado? Verificado

Se aconseja revisar los filtros del aire acondicionado 4 veces al año. Los filtros sucios se pueden limpiar con una aspiradora o bien lavarse, dependiendo del tipo que sean. Durante las tareas de mantenimiento un profesional deberá valorar si es el momento de reemplazar los filtros.

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¿Qué significan las siglas BTU? Verificado

BTU son las siglas en inglés de Unidad Térmica Británica. Esta unidad indica la capacidad de enfriamiento.

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¿Todos los acondicionadores de aire funcionan también como deshumidificadores? Verificado

El aire frío producido por un acondicionador de aire a menudo tiene una humedad relativamente baja. Sin embargo, el efecto es menor que cuando se usa un deshumidificador real. Algunos acondicionadores de aire tienen una característica especial para deshumidificar el aire.

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¿Qué es el R-410A? Verificado

El R-410A es un refrigerante que se utiliza en aparatos que enfrían hasta 0 °C, como neveras y aires acondicionados. Es el reemplazo de los refrigerantes más antiguos y no daña la capa de ozono.

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El aire acondicionado, ¿influye negativamente en la calidad del aire? Verificado

Si el aire acondicionado se ha mantenido correctamente, no tendrá ningún efecto sobre la calidad del aire. Si un filtro no se ha reemplazado durante mucho tiempo o no se ha realizado otro tipo de mantenimiento, por ejemplo, entonces un aire acondicionado puede producir aire viciado.

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¿Puedo colocar mi aire acondicionado portátil en un armario para que no se vea? Verificado

En absoluto. Un aire acondicionado portátil necesita espacio para permitir el flujo y la entrada de aire. En un espacio pequeño el dispositivo puede sobrecalentarse.

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¿Cuál es el mejor lugar para montar la unidad interior de un aire acondicionado tipo split? Verificado

Depende del espacio, pero en general aplican los siguientes consejos. Asegúrese de que no haya nada que obstruya el flujo de aire. Asegúrese de que el lugar sea accesible para realizar el mantenimiento. Monte la unidad al menos a 2 metros del suelo.

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Manual de uso Danby DAC120EB8WDB Aire acondicionado

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