Manual de uso Danby DAR023C1BSLDB Refrigerador

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Manual de uso


This quality product is warranted to be free from manufacturer’s defects in material and workmanship, provided that the unit is used under the normal operating
conditions intended by the manufacturer.
This warranty is available only to the person to whom the unit was originally sold by Danby Products Limited (Canada) or Danby Products Inc. (U.S.A.) (hereafter
“Danby”) or by an authorized distributor of Danby, and is non-transferable.
Plastic parts, are warranted for thirty (30) days only from purchase date, with no extensions provided.
First Year
During the rst twelve (12) months, any functional parts of this product found to be defective, will be repaired or replaced, at warrantor’s
option, at no charge to the ORIGINAL purchaser.
To obtain
Danby reserves the right to limit the boundaries of “In Home Service” to the proximity of an Authorized Service Depot. Any app liance
requiring service outside the limited boundaries of “In Home Service” , it will be the consumer’s responsibility to transport the appliance (at
their own expense) to the original retailer (point of purchase) or a service depot for repair. See “Boundaries of In Home Serv ice” below.
Contact your dealer from whom your unit was purchased, or contact your nearest authorized Danby service depot, where service
must be performed by a qualied service technician.
If service is performed on the units by anyone other than an authorized service depot, or the unit is used for commercial appli cation, all
obligations of Danby under this warranty shall be void.
Boundaries of
If the appliance is installed in a location that is 100 kilometers (62 miles) or more from the nearest service center your unit must be
In Home Service
delivered to the nearest authorized Danby Service Depot, as service must only be performed by a technician qualied and certif ied for
warranty service by Danby. Transportation charges to and from the service location are not protected by this warranty and are t he
responsibility of the purchaser.
Nothing within this warranty shall imply that Danby will be responsible or liable for any spoilage or damage to food or other c ontents of this appliance, whether due
to any defect of the appliance, or its use, whether proper or improper.
Save as herein provided, Danby, there are no other warranties, conditions, representations or guarantees, express or implied, m ade or intended by Danby or its
authorized distributors and all other warranties, conditions, representations or guarantees, including any warranties, conditio ns, representations or guarantees
under any Sale of Goods Act or like legislation or statue is hereby expressly excluded. Save as herein provided, Danby shall no t be responsible for any damages
to persons or property, including the unit itself, howsoever caused or any consequential damages arising from the malfunction o f the unit and by the purchase of
the unit, the purchaser does hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Danby from any claim for damages to persons or propert y caused by the unit.
No warranty or insurance herein contained or set out shall apply when damage or repair is caused by any of the following:
1) Power failure.
2) Damage in transit or when moving the appliance.
3) Improper power supply such as low voltage, defective house wiring or inadequate fuses.
4) Accident, alteration, abuse or misuse of the appliance such as inadequate air circulation in the room or abnormal operating con ditions
(extremely high or low room temperature).
5) Use for commercial or industrial purposes (ie. If the appliance is not installed in a domestic residence).
6) Fire, water damage, theft, war, riot, hostility, acts of God such as hurricanes, oods etc.
7) Service calls resulting in customer education.
8) Improper Installation (ie. Building-in of a free standing appliance or using an appliance outdoors that is not approved for out door application).
Proof of purchase date will be required for warranty claims; so, please retain bills of sale. In the event warranty service is required, present this document to our
Danby Products Limited
PO Box 1778, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 6Z9
Telephone: (519) 837-0920 FAX: (519) 837-0449
Danby Products Inc.
PO Box 669, Findlay, Ohio, U.S.A. 45840
Telephone: (419) 425-8627 FAX: (419) 425-8629
Warranty Service
Transportation charges to and from the service location are not protected by this warranty and are the responsibility of the purchaser.
During the first twelve (12) months, any functional parts of this product found to be defective, will be repaired or
replaced, at warrantor’s option, at no charge to the original purchaser.
Contact the dealer where the unit was purchased, or contact the nearest authorized Danby service depot, where
service must be performed by a qualified service technician. If service is performed on the unit by anyone other
than an authorized service depot, all obligations of Danby under this warranty shall be void.
It is the responsibility of the purchaser to transport the appliance to the nearest authorized service depot.
First 12 months
To obtain service
This quality product is warranted to be free from manufacturer’s defects in material and workmanship, provided that the unit is used
under the normal operating conditions intended by the manufacturer.
This warranty is available only to the person to whom the unit was originally sold by Danby Products Limited (Canada) or Danby
Products Inc. (U.S.A.) (hereafter “Danby”) or by an authorized distributor of Danby, and is non-transferable.
Plastic parts are warranted for thirty (30) days from the date of purchase, with no extensions provided.
Nothing within this warranty shall imply that Danby will be responsible or liable for any spoilage or damage to food or other
contents of this appliance, whether due to any defect of the appliance, or its use, whether proper or improper.
Save as herein provided, by Danby, there are no other warranties, conditions, representations or guarantees, express or implied, made
or intended by Danby or its authorized distributors and all other warranties, conditions, representations or guarantees, including any
warranties, conditions, representations or guarantees under any Sale of Goods Act or like legislation or statute is hereby expressly
excluded. Save as herein provided, Danby shall not be responsible for any damages to persons or property, including the unit itself,
howsoever caused or any consequential damages arising from the malfunction of the unit and by the purchase of the unit, the
purchaser does hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Danby from any claim for damages to persons or property caused by
the unit.
No warranty or insurance herein contained or set out shall apply when damage or repair is caused by any of the following:
1) Power failure.
2) Damage in transit or when moving the appliance.
3) Improper power supply such as low voltage, defective house wiring or inadequate fuses.
4) Accident, alteration, abuse or misuse of the appliance such as inadequate air circulation in the room or abnormal operating
conditions (ie. extremely high or low room temperature).
5) Use for commercial or industrial purposes (ie. If the appliance is not installed in a domestic residence).
6) Fire, water damage, theft, war, riot, hostility, acts of God such as hurricanes, floods etc.
7) Service calls resulting in customer education.
8) Improper Installation (ie. Building-in of a free standing appliance or using an appliance outdoors that is not approved for outdoor
application, including but not limited to: garages, patios, porches or anywhere that is not properly insulated or climate controlled).
Proof of purchase date will be required for warranty claims; retain bills of sale. In the event that warranty service is required, present
the proof of purchase to our authorized service depot.
Warranty Service
Carry In
Danby Products Limited
PO Box 1778, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 6Z9
Telephone: (519) 837-0920 FAX: (519) 837-0449
Danby Products Inc.
PO Box 669, Findlay, Ohio, U.S.A. 45840
Telephone: (419) 425-8627 FAX: (419) 425-8629
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Marca Danby
Modelo DAR023C1BSLDB
Categoría Refrigeradores
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 1.36 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Danby DAR023C1BSLDB Refrigerador

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

Si quiero que mi nevera enfríe más, ¿debo elegir un ajuste superior o inferior? Verificado

Con la mayoría de los refrigeradores un ajuste más alto significa que la máquina enfriará más. Con un ajuste más bajo, la máquina enfriará con menor potencia y la temperatura en la nevera será más alta.

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¿Cuál es el mejor ajuste de temperatura para un refrigerador? Verificado

Desde el punto de vista de la salud, las temperaturas entre 3 ℃ y 4 ℃ son las mejores. A estas temperaturas, el crecimiento de bacterias y moho es limitado.

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¿Puedo cambiar el sentido de apertura de la puerta de mi nevera? Verificado

Sí, casi todos los refrigeradores de pie incluyen la opción de montar la puerta en el lado opuesto. La forma de hacerlo suele estar en el manual.

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El desagüe de mi nevera está sucio o atascado. ¿Cómo lo limpio? Verificado

Hay dispositivos de limpieza especiales para hacerlo, pero también puede eliminar la obstrucción o la suciedad con un bastoncillo de algodón. Para mantener el desagüe limpio y evitar los malos olores aconsejamos echar una gota de lejía en el desagüe 4 veces al año.

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Mi refrigerador hace un ruido burbujeante, ¿es normal? Verificado

Las refrigeradores modernas hacen uso de un agente de refrigeración respetuoso con el medio ambiente. Durante el proceso de enfriamiento esta sustancia se convierte en un gas, que puede causar un burbujeo y/o silbido. Esto es totalmente normal.

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¿Es normal que se formen gotas de agua o hielo en la pared de fondo de mi nevera? Verificado

Sí, es un fenómeno completamente normal. La humedad que entra en la nevera con el aire caliente o por los productos se asentará en la parte más fría, siendo la pared de fondo. Como esta pared puede alcanzar temperaturas por debajo del punto de congelación, las gotas se congelarán de vez en cuando. Cuando la nevera está parada, las gotas se descongelarán e irán a parar en el desagüe.

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La puerta de mi nevera no cierra bien. ¿Cuál es la razón? Verificado

Las dos causas más comunes son que el refrigerador no está nivelado y que la junta de la puerta está dañada o tiene restos de comida pegados en ella. Asegúrese de que la nevera esté nivelada y compruebe la junta de la puerta. Reemplace la junta si es necesario.

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He comprado un nueva nevera. ¿Puedo encenderla inmediatamente? Verificado

No, la nevera debe estar en posición vertical durante al menos 4 horas antes de que se pueda encender. La razón para ello es que el líquido refrigerante necesita asentarse.

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¿Cuánto espacio debo dejar entre mi nevera y la pared? Verificado

Para asegurar una buena ventilación es mejor dejar al menos 5 cm de espacio libre en ambos lados y en la parte trasera de la nevera.

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¿Cuánto tiempo tarda mi refrigerador en alcanzar la temperatura establecida después de que lo enciendo? Verificado

Depende del tamaño, la antigüedad y el modelo del frigorífico. Pueden pasar de varias horas a 24 horas para que el refrigerador alcance la temperatura establecida. El proceso se puede acelerar colocando productos no perecederos en el refrigerador. La temperatura en el refrigerador no se puede medir correctamente sintiendo el aire en el interior. La mejor manera de saber si el refrigerador ha alcanzado la temperatura establecida es colocar un vaso de agua en el refrigerador con un termómetro.

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¿Puedo poner comida o bebidas calientes en mi nevera? Verificado

Mejor que no. La temperatura de su nevera subirá, lo que repercutirá negativamente en las demás cosas guardadas.

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Hay condensación en mi refrigerador, ¿por qué? Verificado

Puede haber varias causas. La junta de la puerta puede estar defectuosa, permitiendo que entre aire exterior al refrigerador. También es posible que el frigorífico no esté nivelado, impidiendo que la puerta se cierre correctamente. Otra causa es una gran diferencia entre la temperatura dentro y fuera del refrigerador mientras la puerta se abre con frecuencia.

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Hay moho en las juntas de goma de mi frigorífico, ¿qué debo hacer? Verificado

Los sellos de goma no están realmente dentro del refrigerador y, por lo tanto, están más calientes. Esto permite que las bacterias crezcan y se forme moho. Limpia las gomas con regularidad para evitarlo.

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¿Qué es el R-410A? Verificado

El R-410A es un agente refrigerante que se utiliza en aparatos que enfrían hasta 0 ° C, como refrigeradores y acondicionadores de aire. Es el reemplazo de agentes refrigerantes más antiguos y no daña la capa de ozono.

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Manual de uso Danby DAR023C1BSLDB Refrigerador

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