Manual de uso Danby DDR030BJWDB-ME Deshumidificador

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Manual de uso


2. Continuous Drain
Water can be removed using the continuous drain
with a standard garden hose and female threaded
end (not provided).
Before using any automatic drain functions,
check that all drain ports are clean. There is one
drain port inside the bucket compartment of the
appliance, remove the bucket to see it. There is one
drain port on the back of the appliance where the
female threaded end and garden hose attach. All
drain ports should be cleaned with a pipe cleaner
prior to use.
To use the continuous drain you must purchase a
garden hose and female threaded end.
The required dimensions are:
• Female threaded end: ID:M=1’
• Garden hose: ID≥Φ5/16’
Remove the cover from the continuous drain outlet
and attach the female threaded end and the garden
hose to the back of the appliance. Direct the other
end of the garden hose to a bucket or fl oor drain.
Ensure that the garden hose is not bent and goes
straight down from the back of the appliance. The
continuous drain is only activated by gravity so any
bends or upward motion in the hose will stop the
water from draining.
The garden hose should be cut so that it is no more
than 1.8 m (6 feet) long. If the drain hose is too
long water may not drain completely which can
lead to stagnant water and mildew build up inside
the hose.
Do not clean the drain ports with anything more
rigid than a pipe cleaner as this can damage the
If the drain ports are clogged or dirty it can
cause water to leak from the bottom of the
There is no drain pump in this appliance. The
continuous drain is fed by gravity alone.
There are two ways to remove collected water from
the appliance.
1. Water Bucket
The dehumidifi er will automatically collect
condensed water in the water bucket. When the
bucket is full, the compressor and fan will turn off
and the full bucket indicator light will turn on. The
display will show “P2”.
To empty the bucket, gently remove it from the
appliance by gripping both sides and pulling
outward. Be cautious when removing the bucket, it
will be full and can be heavy.
Do not place the water bucket directly on the fl oor.
The bottom of the bucket is uneven and it will fall
over and spill water.
Empty the bucket and replace it in the appliance.
The dehumidifi er will not function without the bucket
Never tamper with or attempt to defeat the water
level fl oat system. Proper installation of the water
bucket is crucial in maintaining reliable operation.
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Marca Danby
Categoría Deshumidificadores
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 1.31 MB

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¿Puedo encender mi deshumidificador inmediatamente después de comprarlo? Verificado

No. Al igual que en el frigorífico o el congelador, el dispositivo debe estar en posición vertical durante al menos 2 horas, aunque es preferible esperar 24 horas antes de encenderlo por primera vez.

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¿Cuál es la humedad ideal para un espacio habitable? Verificado

La humedad ideal en una casa está entre el 40 y el 60%. Con una humedad más alta o más baja, es más probable que se desarrollen hongos, bacterias y virus y puede experimentar malestar personal.

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¿Cómo puedo transportar correctamente mi deshumidificador? Verificado

Los deshumidificadores deben transportarse siempre en posición vertical y bien protegidos. Cualquier otro modo de transporte podría causar daños en el aparato.

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Manual de uso Danby DDR030BJWDB-ME Deshumidificador

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