Manual de uso Danby DMW09A2BSSDB Microondas

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Manual de uso


Liquids are able to be overheated beyond the
boiling point without appearing to be boiling
due to the surface tension of the liquid. Visible
bubbling will not always be present when the liquid
is removed from the appliance. This could result
in very hot liquids suddenly boiling over when a
utensil or other item such as a tea bag is inserted
into the liquid.
To reduce the risk of injury:
Do not overheat liquids. Do not heat any liquid
for more than 2 minutes per cup.
Stir liquids before and halfway through heating.
Do not use straight-sided containers with narrow
necks as this can cause a build up of steam.
Superheated liquid can begin to spontaneously
boil when removed from the microwave.
After heating, allow the liquid to stand in the
microwave for 30 seconds before removing.
Use extreme care when inserting a utensil or
other item into hot liquids.
The contents of milk bottles and baby food jars
should be stirred or shaken and the temperature
checked before serving in order to avoid burns.
Do not defrost frozen beverages, especially
carbonated beverages, in this appliance as they
could explode.
Hot foods and steam can cause burns. Be careful
when opening any container than has been heated
in the appliance. Direct the opening away from
hands and face to avoid burns.
Arcing refers to sparks inside the microwave while it
is in operation. Arcing is caused by:
Metal or foil inside the appliance.
Recycled paper towels being used inside the
appliance, as these can contain small pieces of
If arcing is present, stop operation and remove any
metal or paper towels from the appliance.
Important Safety Information
This appliance is specifi cally designed to heat,
cook or dry food. It is not designed for industrial or
laboratory use.
Do not store or use this appliance outdoors. Do not
use this appliance near water.
Do not overcook food. Carefully watch the
appliance when it is in use.
Remove wire twist-ties before placing items in the
Do not use the appliance for storage purposes. Do
not leave items inside the appliance when not in
Do not heat oil or fat for deep frying as it is dif cult
to control the temperature of oil in a microwave.
Pierce foods with thick skins such as potatoes,
squash and apples before cooking.
Some items such as whole eggs or sealed containers
have the possibility of exploding when heated and
should not be placed in this appliance.
Cooking utensils may become hot because of heat
transferred from heated food. Pot holders may be
Only use thermometers which are specifi cally
designed for use in microwaves.
Do not operate any heating or cooking appliance
beneath this appliance.
Ensure that the glass tray and rollers are in the
correct position before use to avoid possible spills.
Do not operate this appliance when it is empty as
this will increase the heat around the magnetron
and can damage the appliance or cause a fi re.
If items inside the appliance should ignite, keep the
door closed, turn the appliance off and disconnect
the power cord.
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 0.72 MB)
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Categoría Microondas
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Tamaño del archivo 0.72 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Danby DMW09A2BSSDB Microondas

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

Mi microondas no arranca cuando aprieto el botón de inicio, ¿qué puedo hacer? Verificado

En muchos casos no se ha cerrado la puerta correctamente. Abra y cierre la puerta e inténtelo de nuevo.

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¿Puedo usar el microondas cuando el plato giratorio no funciona? Verificado

El plato giratorio asegura que el calor se distribuya de manera uniforme. Cuando no funciona, el microondas no se puede usar correctamente. Repárelo.

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El microondas está encendido pero no funciona. ¿Porqué es eso? Verificado

Es posible que la puerta no cierre correctamente. Para garantizar la seguridad, un microondas no funcionará hasta que la puerta esté completamente cerrada. A veces, esto se puede solucionar ajustando la bisagra de la puerta.

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La placa de mica/cartón dentro del microondas se ha desprendido. ¿Podré seguir utilizando el microondas? Verificado

En absoluto. La placa de mica/cartón es la guía de ondas que distribuye las microondas. Vuelva a colocarla o consiga un reemplazo.

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Mi microondas sigue haciendo ruido, incluso después de haber terminado. ¿Es normal? Verificado

Sí, esto es un ruido normal. El ventilador enfría el microondas después de su uso. La duración depende del tiempo de funcionamiento del microondas.

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¿Puedo hervir agua en el microondas? Verificado

No absolutamente no. El agua puede sobrecalentarse. Esto significa que el agua puede alcanzar una temperatura superior a 100 ℃ sin hervir. Cuando esta agua toca cualquier objeto, puede hervir y salpicar instantáneamente, provocando quemaduras.

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¿Por qué no puedo poner metal en mi microondas? Verificado

El metal no deja pasar las microondas sino que las rechaza. Cuando estas microondas rebotan en el mismo lugar, puede causar chispas.

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Manual de uso Danby DMW09A2BSSDB Microondas

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