Manual de uso Fenton RP162 Giradiscos

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Manual de uso


1. Autostop Switch ON/OFF
This switch turns auto stop on or off. When the automatic stop is enabled, the platform will start rotating as soon as the tone
arm is placed over the record and will stop rotating when it has reached the end of the record. Some vinyl records stop
before the end or do not stop when the end is reached. In this case set Auto-stop to OFF.
2. 33 / 45 / 78 RPM Switch
This switch controls the RPM of the turntable platter.
3. Pitch control
Turn to adjust the speed of the platter little by little.
4. Function switch knob
Knob to select BT, phono, aux or USB input.
5. LED indicator
6. Power & volume control knob
To power on the record player, turn this knob clockwise until it clicks. When powered on, use this knob to adjust the volume
for the internal speakers and headphones. To turn off the record player, turn this knob counter clockwise until it clicks.
7. Headphone connector
Connect your headphone with this 3.5mm(1/8) jack connector.
8. Cartridge with needle
When the turntable is not in use, it is recommendable to place the removable protection cover on the stylus.
9. Tonearm
10. Platter
Place your record here.
11. 45RPM Adaptor
This adaptor allows you to play 45RPM records.
12. USB port
To play music from a USB drive: Turn the mode selection knob to USB and plug in a USB drive to play music.
Press PLAY/PAUSE/REC to play or pause. Press PREV button to play the previous track, press NEXT button to play the
next track.
To record from vinyl: Plug your USB stick into the USB port. Press the REC button during the vinyl records playback and the
indicator will flash red and blue intermittently. The vinyl recording starts.
Press the SPLIT button when recording, the current record will be cut off and automatically stored in a file. Press SPLIT
button again and it will generate another file. Press the REC button to stop the recording. The indicator will be red during
recording, and the recorded files(MP3 format) will be saved in the USB stick.
13. PREV button / BT OUT function
Press to play the previous track in USB mode.
14. PLAY/PAUSE/REC button
Press to play, pause or record in USB mode. Depending on the current status.
15. NEXT button
Press to play the next track in USB mode.
16. RCA Line output
The sound signal from long-playing record is sent to this line output. Connect this signal to the line input of an such as an
amplifier or a line input of a CD/DVD player.
17. AUX input
3.5mm(1/8) jack connector for auxiliary input.
18. DC IN port
Connecting the 5Volt/DC power adaptor.
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Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Fenton RP162 Giradiscos. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Fenton. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Fenton RP162 Giradiscos en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Fenton
Modelo RP162
Categoría Giradiscos
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 0.38 MB

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¿Cuándo debo reemplazar la aguja de mi tocadiscos? Verificado

Depende de la aguja, pero generalmente una aguja durará entre 500 y 2000 horas, dependiendo de la calidad. Cuando compre un tocadiscos de segunda mano, siempre sustituya la aguja como medida preventiva. Si no lo hace a tiempo, se pueden producir daños en los discos.

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Manual de uso Fenton RP162 Giradiscos

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