Manual de uso Graco 2M18 Direct Connect Vigilabebés

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Manual de uso


• This feature will allow you to locate a misplaced Parent Unit as long as the Parent Unit
is powered on and within range of the Nursery Unit.
• To activate, press the “PF” button on the front of the Nursery Unit (the Nursery Unit
needs to be ON).
• The Parent Unit will generate an audible beep every second and the SoundLights will flash on and off.
• Once the Parent Unit is located, the audible beep can be shut-off by pressing any button on the Parent
To Listen To Baby
• Turn on Nursery Unit using the ON/OFF button.
• Turn on one or both Parent Units using the ON/OFF button.
• Adjust the volume on the Parent Unit by pressing the Volume Up/Down buttons.
Note that the Sound on the bars as the volume button is pressed up or down to
provide a visual feedback for the volume level. The unit will beep louder or softer
depending on the volume level.
• The SoundLights on the Parent Unit will illuminate as your child (or other objects)
make noise near the Nursery Unit. Please note that the SoundLights and volume
control on the Parent Unit are independent of each other. With the volume turned
all the way down, the SoundLights will still illuminate as your child (or other objects)
make noise near the Nursery Unit.
Parent Finder Feature
Vibration Alert Feature
1.To turn on the Vibration Alert Feature, press and release the button on the left
side of the LCD screen.
2. The icon will display on the LCD.
NightLight Feature
1.To turn on the NightLight on the Nursery Unit from the Parent Unit press the
NightLight Button. This will put the NightLight on the low setting and you will see
the low symbol .
2. To turn the NightLight on high setting press the NightLight Button one more time
and the high symbol will show.
3. Press NightLight Button again to turn off.
4. The NightLight can be turned on at the Nursery Unit also. Press the NightLight
Button on the top of the Nursery Unit once for low setting, twice for high setting
and a third time to turn it off.
NOTE: When activating the NightLight feature from the Parent Unit, transmission
from the child unit to the parent unit is temporarily disabled.
It is VERY IMPORTANT to test the system when first set up, and at regular times thereafter.
Test the units if you suspect they may have been damaged or have not been used for a long time.
1. If two adults are present, have one take the Parent Units to different locations, trying various volume
settings, while the other speaks into the Nursery Unit.
2. If only one adult is available, place a ticking clock, radio, or other sound-producing device near the
Nursery Unit to test it.
3. When testing, keep the level of your child’s sounds in mind, and adjust the volume accordingly.
4. If there is sound interference, switch the Nursery Unit and the Parent Units to another channel
Testing the System
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Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Graco 2M18 Direct Connect Vigilabebés. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Graco. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Graco 2M18 Direct Connect Vigilabebés en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Graco
Modelo 2M18 Direct Connect
Categoría Vigilabebés
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 0.97 MB

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Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

¿Por qué el alcance del monitor para bebés es menor que el descrito en el folleto/manual? Verificado

Las marcas suelen indicar un alcance basado en un uso sin obstáculos, como paredes o una distancia que abarque varias plantas. Si el alcance es insuficiente, intente ubicar el monitor para bebés con el mínimo de obstáculos posibles.

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Cuando escucho a mi bebé puedo oír claramente su respiración, pero no la oigo a través del vigilabebés. ¿Por qué? Verificado

Se debe a la sensibilidad del vigilabebés. Ajuste la configuración para aumentar la sensibilidad y captar los sonidos más silenciosos.

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Manual de uso Graco 2M18 Direct Connect Vigilabebés

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