Manual de uso Hitachi G 10SD2 Amoladora angular

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Manual de uso


(2) Use the auxiliary hexagonal wrench or small screwdriver
to pull up the edge of the spring that is holding down
the carbon brush. Remove the edge of the spring toward
the outside of the brush holder .
(3) Remove the end of the pig-tail on the carbon brush
from the terminal section of brush holder and then
remove the carbon brush from the brush holder.
(1) Insert the end of the pig-tail of the carbon brush in the
terminal section of brush holder.
(2) Insert the carbon brush in the brush holder.
(3) Use the auxiliary hexagonal wrench or small screwdriver
to return the edge of the spring to the head of the carbon
(4) Mount the tail cover and tighten the D4 tapping screw.
5. Replacing supply cord
If the replacement of the supply cord is necessary, it has
to be done by Hitachi Authorized Service Center to avoid
a safety hazard.
6. Maintenance of the motor
Always wear protective goggles and dust respirators
when blowing air from the tail cover air hole with the use
of an air gun, etc.
Failure to observe this may result in ejected dust being
inhaled or entering your eyes.
The motor unit winding is the very “heart” of the power tool.
Exercise due care to ensure the winding does not become
damaged and/or wet with oil or water.
When work has been nished, blow air containing no
moisture from the tail cover air hole with the use of an
air gun, etc., while running the motor without any load
applied. This is e ective in removing any dirt and dust
that has accumulated. Dirt and dust collecting inside the
motor may result in malfunctions.
In the operation and maintenance of power tools, the
safety regulations and standards prescribed in each
country must be observed.
We guarantee Hitachi Power Tools in accordance with
statutory/country speci c regulation. This guarantee does
not cover defects or damage due to misuse, abuse, or
normal wear and tear. In case of complaint, please send
the Power Tool, undismantled, with the GUARANTEE
CERTIFICATE found at the end of this Handling instruction,
to a Hitachi Authorized Service Center.
Correct connection of the plug
The wires of the main lead are coloured in accordance
with the following code:
Blue: — Neutral
Brown: — Live
As the colours of the wires in the main lead of this tool may
not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the
terminals in your plug proceed as follows:
The wire coloured blue must be connected to the terminal
marked with the letter N or coloured black. The wire
coloured brown must be connected to the terminal marked
with the letter L or coloured red. Neither core must be
connected to the earth terminal.
This requirement is provided according to BRITISH
STANDARD 2769: 1984.
Therefore, the letter code and colour code may not be
applicable to other markets except The United Kingdom.
Information concerning airborne noise and vibration
The measured values were determined according to
EN60745 and declared in accordance with ISO 4871.
Measured A-weighted sound power level: 95 dB (A).
Measured A-weighted sound pressure level: 84 dB (A).
Uncertainty K: 3 dB (A).
Wear hearing protection.
Vibration total values (triax vector sum) determined
according to EN60745.
Surface grinding:
Vibration emission value
= 6.1 m/s
Uncertainty K = 1.5 m/s
The declared vibration total value has been measured in
accordance with a standard test method and may be used
for comparing one tool with another.
It may also be used in a preliminary assessment of exposure.
The vibration emission during actual use of the power
tool can di er from the declared total value depending in
the ways in which the tool is used.
Identify safety measures to protect the operator that
are based on an estimation of exposure in the actual
conditions of use (taking account of all parts of the
operating cycle such as the times when the tool is
switched o and when it is running idle in addition to the
trigger time).
Due to HITACHI’s continuing program of research and
development, the speci cations herein are subject to
change without prior notice.
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Marca Hitachi
Modelo G 10SD2
Categoría Amoladoras angulares
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 7.58 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Hitachi G 10SD2 Amoladora angular

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

¿En qué material puedo usar mi amoladora angular? Verificado

Las amoladoras angulares son más adecuadas para su uso en metal o piedra. Las máquinas generan mucho calor y, por lo tanto, son menos adecuadas para su uso en madera o plástico.

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¿Necesito usar protección para los oídos cuando utilizo una amoladora angular? Verificado

Si deberías. Aunque la cantidad de ruido producido por una amoladora angular puede variar entre marcas y modelos, la exposición prolongada a ruidos fuertes puede causar daños auditivos permanentes. Por eso es una buena idea usar protección auditiva.

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¿Necesito usar protección para los ojos cuando utilizo una amoladora angular? Verificado

Si. Las partículas pequeñas pueden volar durante la molienda. Cuando estos golpean un ojo, pueden causar daño ocular permanente. Por eso siempre es necesario usar protección para los ojos.

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¿Puedo guardar herramientas eléctricas en un cobertizo o garaje? Verificado

En general, las herramientas eléctricas se pueden guardar en un cobertizo o en un garaje, aunque a veces haga frío allí. Sin embargo, para prolongar la vida útil de la herramienta eléctrica, es mejor guardarla en un lugar seco y sin grandes fluctuaciones de temperatura. En un cobertizo o garaje, las diferencias de temperatura pueden provocar la formación de condensación, lo que puede provocar oxidación. Además, las herramientas que funcionan con baterías duran menos y no se cargan tan bien a temperaturas muy bajas. Para estar seguro de cómo debe almacenarse su herramienta eléctrica, lea siempre detenidamente el manual del usuario.

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Manual de uso Hitachi G 10SD2 Amoladora angular

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