Manual de uso Hitachi NV 65AN Clavadora

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Manual de uso


(4) Disconnect the Nailer from the air source before
making any adjustments, changing accessories,
or storing the Nailer. Such preventive safety
measures reduce the risk of starting the Nailer
(5) Store the Nailer when it is idle out of reach of
children and other untrained persons. A Nailer is
dangerous in the hands of untrained users.
(6) Maintain the Nailer with care. Keep the
Nailer Clean and lubricated for better and safer
(7) Check for misalignment or binding of moving
parts, breakage of parts, and any other condition
that may a ect the Nailer's operation.
If damaged, have the Nailer serviced before using.
Because of high air pressure in the Nailer, cracks in
the surface are dangerous. To avoid this, do not drop
the Nailer or strike the Nailer against hard surfaces;
and do not scratch or engrave signs on the Nailer.
Many accidents are caused by poorly maintained
Nailers. There is a risk of bursting if the Nailer is
(8) Do not use the Nailer that is not in proper
working order. Tags and physical segregation
shall be used for control.
(9) Use only accessories that are identi ed by
Hitachi for the speci c Nailer. Use of an accessory
not intended for use with the speci c Nailer ,
increases the risk of injury to persons.
(10) Use only those fasteners listed in the
Accessories section of this manual. Fasteners not
identi ed for use with this Nailer by Hitachi are able to
result in a risk of injury to persons or Nailer damage
when used in this Nailer.
4. Service
(1) Tool service must be performed only by quali ed
repair personnel.
(2) When servicing a Nailer, use only identical
replacement parts. Use only authorized parts.
(3) Use only the lubricants supplied with the Nailer
or speci ed by Hitachi.
5. Air source
(1) Never connect to an air source that is capable
of exceeding 200 psi (13.7 bar 14 kgf/cm
) if a
regulator fails.
Over pressurizing the Nailer is able to result in
bursting, abnormal operation, breakage of the Nailer
or serious injury to persons.
DO NOT EXCEED 120 psi (8.3 bar 8.5 kgf/cm
Use only clean, dry, regulated compressed air at the
rated pressure or within the rated pressure range as
marked on the Nailer.
Always verify prior to using the Nailer that the air
source has been adjusted to the rated air pressure or
within the rated air-pressure range.
(2) Never use reactive gases such as oxygen,
carbon dioxide, combustible gases or any
bottled gas as an air source for the Nailer. Such
gases are capable of explosion and serious injury to
6. Others
(1) Be careful of double re and being hit by the
Nailer due to spring back (“recoil”).
After driving a nail, the Nailer may recoil causing it to
move away from the work surface.
To reduce risk of injury always manage recoil by:
1) always maintaining control of the Nailer.
2) allowing recoil to move the Nailer away from work
3) not resisting recoil such that the Nailer will be
forced back into the work surface. InCONTACT
ACTUATION MECHANISM, if push lever is
allowed to re-contact work surface before the
trigger is released, an unintended discharge of a
nail will occur. In order to avoid this undesirable
double re,
Intermittent operation (Trigger re)
Pull the trigger rapidly and rmly.
Release the trigger QUICKLY.
SAFETY — Continued
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Marca Hitachi
Modelo NV 65AN
Categoría Clavadoras
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 5.36 MB

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¿Puedo guardar herramientas eléctricas en un cobertizo o garaje? Verificado

En general, las herramientas eléctricas se pueden guardar en un cobertizo o en un garaje, aunque a veces haga frío allí. Sin embargo, para prolongar la vida útil de la herramienta eléctrica, es mejor guardarla en un lugar seco y sin grandes fluctuaciones de temperatura. En un cobertizo o garaje, las diferencias de temperatura pueden provocar la formación de condensación, lo que puede provocar oxidación. Además, las herramientas que funcionan con baterías duran menos y no se cargan tan bien a temperaturas muy bajas. Para estar seguro de cómo debe almacenarse su herramienta eléctrica, lea siempre detenidamente el manual del usuario.

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Manual de uso Hitachi NV 65AN Clavadora

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