Manual de uso Homedics MAN-3023A-EU Set de manicura-pedicura

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Manual de uso


The manicure and pedicure system comes complete with twelve professional-style manicure and pedicure
tools (see page 6 for accessories guide).
Sapphire Manicure & Pedicure Shaping Discs
Choose from the fine or coarse shaping discs that most suits the nails thickness. For smaller, thinner
fingernails, use the fine shaping disc (Inset 1). For thicker nails such as toenails, use the coarse shaping disc
(Inset 2). Lightly apply the disc to the edge of your nail, moving the unit along the side of the nail until you
achieve the shape and smoothness you desire, while taking care not to take the nail too short.
Sapphire Filing Cones
The thin, filing cone (Inset 3) files away rough edges around nails and removes dry skin. It can also be used to
treat ingrown nails and other problem nails. The thick filing cone (Inset 4) is perfect for thicker nails and
toenails. Gently apply the cone to the area that needs attention, pausing frequently to monitor your progress.
The ball head point (Inset 5) files and treats the surface of thick toenails and fingernails. The use of this
attachment can be together with thick point filing cone.
Sapphire Shaping Cone
Use the sapphire cone (Inset 6) to remove rough and dry skin around the nail and soften calluses. Lightly
apply the cone to the skin, using a back and forth motion. Stop treatment if irritation occurs.
Polishing Disc
When you have finished filing, lightly buff the nail surface to smooth edges and add shine (Inset 7).
Cuticle Care
Use the cuticle lifter (Inset 8) or cuticle stick to push back your cuticle beds. Note: For best results, first soak
cuticles in warm water to soften. The cuticle stick (Inset 9) can be used to push back cuticles manually. It can
be carried in a handbag for quick touch-ups while on the go.
Nail Brush
When you have finished filing your nails and grooming cuticles, use the nail brush (Inset 10) to clean under
nails and around cuticle beds.
Fine Shaping Disc Coarse Shaping Disc
Thin Filing Cone Thick Filing Cone
Ball Head Point
Sapphire Cone
Polishing Disc
Cuticle Lifter
Cuticle Stick
Nail Brush
MAN3023EU-0315-01_Layout 1 01/04/2015 10:31 Page 5
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Marca Homedics
Modelo MAN-3023A-EU
Categoría Set de manicura-pedicura
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 5.45 MB

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Manual de uso Homedics MAN-3023A-EU Set de manicura-pedicura

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