Manual de uso Honeywell HPA200COM Purificador de aire

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Manual de uso


Remove and dispose of used filters. Avoid breathing dust when changing filters
See INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS on page 4 of this manual.
Please note that each model series takes a different number of HEPA Filters: HPA090 and HPA100 Series use
1 Certified HEPA
Replacement Filter, HPA200 Series use 2 Certified HEPA
Replacement Filters , HPA300
Series use 3 Certified HEPA
See ACCESSORIES AND REPLACEMENT FILTERS section on page 7 of this manual to find out where to get filters.
There are stickers inside your air purifer near the filter cavity that note the Filter Type needed for your model.
These air purifier models each have two electronic filter checks to remind you when
to check and replace the Certified HEPA Filters and the Odor Reducing PreFilters based
on the air purifier’s hours of use.
When the Certified HEPA Filter(s) and/or the PreFilter need to be replaced, the
“Check Filter” or “Check PreFilter” light will illuminate (Fig. 7).
You should periodically check these filters. Depending on operating conditions, the
Certified HEPA Filters should be replaced every 12 months, and the Odor Reducing
PreFilters every 3 months, especially if there have been heavy odors and particles in the
To RESET Either Electronic Filter Check:
After you have replaced the appropriate filter(s) the “Check Filter or “Check PreFilter” light will remain on until it
is reset. With the unit powered on, press the lighted button and hold for approximately 2 seconds until the light
turns off. The electronic filter check is now reset. Depending on individual usage (environment and hours used),
you may need to replace filters more or less frequently.
NOTE: If you change the pre-filter or filter before the Electronic Filter Check lights are illuminated, it is possible to
reset the light indicators. With the unit plugged in, but NOT powered on, press and hold each button individually
for at least 5 seconds. This will illuminate the indicator light. After the light turns on, individually press and hold
the “Check Filter” or “Check PreFilter” button until each light goes off. At this point, the filter indicator will be
reset to it’s original “clean” status.
These cleaning intervals are intended as guidelines only. Performance of any filter media is dependent upon the
concentration of particles going through the system. High concentrations of particles such as dust, pet dander
and smoking will reduce the useful performance of the filter.
NOTE: None of the filters are washable. DO NOT immerse them in water.
WARNING: Filters may be harmful if ingested. Avoid breathing dust when changing filters.
Fig. 7 Will illuminate
when it is time to
change HEPA filters
The Odor Reducing PreFilter not only helps reduce odors, but also helps capture large airborne particles that
enter the grille. This pre-filter should be replaced every 3 months, as it will become covered with particles and
fibers that will reduce filtration performance. Avoid breathing dust when changing filters.
See INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS on page 4 of this manual.
Use the specially designed Type
Odor Reducing PreFilter.
To purchase additional
PreFilters, see ACCESSORIES AND REPLACEMENT FILTERS section on page 7.
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 3.71 MB)
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Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Honeywell HPA200COM Purificador de aire. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Honeywell. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Honeywell HPA200COM Purificador de aire en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Honeywell
Modelo HPA200COM
Categoría Purificadores de aire
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 3.71 MB

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¿Un purificador de aire también elimina el polvo regular del aire? Verificado

Sí, los purificadores de aire también eliminan el polvo del aire que, de otro modo, tendría que eliminarse quitando el polvo y limpiando. Depende del purificador de aire hasta qué tamaño de polvo se puede eliminar del aire.

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Manual de uso Honeywell HPA200COM Purificador de aire

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