Manual de uso Hoover HOZ7173WI WIFI Horno

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Manual de uso


1.3 Recommendations
After each use of the oven, a minimum of cleaning will help keep the oven perfectly clean.
Do not line the oven walls with aluminium foil or single-use protection available from stores. Aluminium
foil or any other protection, in direct contact with the hot enamel, risks melting and deteriorating the
enamel of the insides. In order to prevent excessive dirtying of your oven and the resulting strong
smokey smells, we recommend not using the oven at very high temperature. It is better to extend the
cooking time and lower the temperature a little. In addition to the accessories supplied with the oven,
we advise you only use dishes and baking moulds resistant to very high temperatures.
1.4 Installation
The manufacturers have no obligation to carry this out. If the assistance of the manufacturer is required
to rectify faults arising from incorrect installation, this assistance is not covered by the guarantee. The
installation instructions for professionally qualified personnel must be followed. Incorrect installation
may cause harm or injury to people, animals or belongings. The manufacturer cannot be held
responsible for such harm or injury.
The oven can be located high in a column or under a worktop. Before fixing, you must ensure good
ventilation in the oven space to allow proper circulation of the fresh air required for cooling and
protecting the internal parts. Make the openings specified on last page according to the type of fitting.
NOTE: as the oven could require maintenance work, it is advisable to keep another wall socket available
so that the oven can be connected to this if it is removed from the space in which it is installed. The
power cable must only be substituted by technical service staff or by technicians with equivalent
1.5 Waste management and environmental protection
This appliance is labelled in accordance with European Directive 2012/19/EU regarding
electric and electronic appliances (WEEE). The WEEE contain both polluting substances
(that can have a negative effect on the environment) and base elements (that can be
reused). It is important that the WEEE undergo specific treatments to correctly remove and
dispose of the pollutants and recover all the materials. Individuals can play an important
role in ensuring that the WEEE do not become an environmental problem; it is essential to
follow a few basic rules:
- the WEEE should not be treated as domestic waste;
- the WEEE should be taken to dedicated collection areas managed by the town council or a registered
In many countries, domestic collections may be available for large WEEEs. When you buy a new
appliance, the old one can be returned to the vendor who must accept it free of charge as a one-off, as
long as the appliance is of an equivalent type and has the same functions as the purchased appliance.
Where possible, avoid pre-heating the oven and always try to fill it. Open the oven door as infrequently
as possible, because heat from the cavity disperses every time it is opened. For a significant energy
saving, switch off the oven between 5 and 10 minutes before the planned end of the cooking time, and
use the residual heat that the oven continues to generate. Keep the seals clean and in order, to avoid any
heat dispersal outside of the cavity. If you have an electric contract with an hourly tariff, the "delayed
cooking" programme makes energy saving more simple, moving the cooking process to start at the
reduced tariff time slot.
1.6 Declaration of compliance
The parts of this appliance that may come into contact with foodstuffs comply with the provisions of EEC
Directive 89/109.
By placing the mark on this product, we are confirming compliance to all relevant European safety,
health and environmental requirements which are applicable in legislation for this product.
EN 06
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Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Hoover HOZ7173WI WIFI Horno. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Hoover. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Hoover HOZ7173WI WIFI Horno en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Hoover
Modelo HOZ7173WI WIFI
Categoría Hornos
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 21.34 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Hoover HOZ7173WI WIFI Horno

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

Mi horno no se calienta lo suficiente, ¿qué debo hacer? Verificado

El termostato hace que el horno se caliente a la temperatura elegida. Probablemente el termostato está defectuoso. Hágalo reemplazar. En caso de duda, póngase en contacto con el fabricante.

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¿Qué es la pirólisis? Verificado

Algunos hornos están equipados con una función de pirólisis. Se trata de un sistema de limpieza que quema la suciedad y la grasa en el horno alcanzando temperaturas muy altas. Después de la pirólisis, toda la suciedad se habrá convertido en cenizas por lo que es fácil de eliminar. Si el horno tiene una función de pirólisis, aconsejamos utilizarla de 3 a 4 veces al año para mantenerlo limpio.

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¿Puedo asar varios alimentos simultáneamente si uso más de una bandeja de parrilla? Verificado

Técnicamente, es posible. Sin embargo, según el tipo de alimento es posible que tenga que ajustar el tiempo de cocción o cambiar las bandejas a mitad del tiempo de preparación.

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Cuando utilizo el horno, a menudo quedan restos de comida que caen al fondo y provocan humo. ¿Cómo puedo prevenir esto? Verificado

Muchos hornos vienen con una rejilla y una bandeja para hornear. Cuando se preparan alimentos en la parrilla, la bandeja de horno se puede colocar en la parte inferior para evitar que los restos de alimentos se quemen y provoquen humo.

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El humo se acumula en el horno cuando se calienta. ¿Por qué? Verificado

Probablemente hay restos de comida de un plato anterior en el horno. Los restos de alimentos muy grasientos pueden generar humo cuando se calientan. Limpie el horno a fondo.

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Manual de uso Hoover HOZ7173WI WIFI Horno

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