Manual de uso Indesit FM 21 K.C Horno

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Manual de uso


Practical Cooking Advice
The oven offers a wide range of alternatives which allow
you to cook any type of food in the best possible way. With
time you will learn to make the best use of this versatile
cooking appliance and the following directions are only a
guideline which may be varied according to your own per-
sonal experience.
If the oven must be preheated (this is generally the case
when cooking leavened foods), the fan assisted mode
b / b can be used to reach the desired temperature as
quickly as possible in order to save on energy.
Once the food has been placed in the oven, the most
appropriate cooking mode can then be selected.
Cooking on More Than One Rack
If you have to cook on more than one rack at the same
time, use only the fan assisted modeb / b which is
the only one that is appropriate for this type of cooking.
The oven is fitted with 5 racks. During fan assisted
cooking, use two of the three central racks; the lowest
and highest racks receive the hot air directly and
therefore delicate foodstuffs could be burnt on these
As a general rule, use the 2nd and 4th rack from the
bottom, placing the foodstuffs that require greater heat
on the 2nd rack from the bottom. For example, when
cooking meat roasts together with other food, place
the roast on the 2nd rack from the bottom and the more
delicate food on the 4th rack from the bottom.
When cooking foodstuffs that require differing times
and temperatures, set a temperature that is somewhere
between the two temperatures required, place the more
delicate food on the 4th rack from the bottom and take
the food requiring less time out of the oven first.
Use the dripping pan on the lower rack and the grid on
the upper;
Using the Grill
This multi-function oven offers you 2 different grilling
modes only and exclusively with the oven door shut.
Use the grill” mode d / d, placing the food under the
centre of the grill (situated on the 3rd or 4th rack form the
bottom) because only the central part of the top heating
element is turned on.
Use the bottom rack (1st from the bottom), placing the
dripping pan provided to collect any sauce and/or grease
and prevent the same from dripping onto the oven bottom.
When using this mode, we recommend you set the
thermostat to the highest setting. However, this does not
mean you cannot use lower temperatures, simply by
adjusting the thermostat knob to the desired temperatu-
Setting e / e, “fan assisted grill”, is extremely useful for
grilling foods rapidly, as the distribution of heat makes it
possible not only to brown the surface, but also to cook
the bottom part.
Moreover, it can also be used for browning foods at the
end of the cooking process, such as adding that gratin
finish to pasta bakes, for example.
When using this mode, place the grid on the 2nd or 3rd
oven rack from the bottom (see cooking table) then, to
prevent fat and grease from dripping onto the bottom of
the oven and thus smoke from forming, place a dripping-
pan on the 1st rack from the bottom.
Important: always use the grill with the oven door shut.
This will allow you both to obtain excellent results and to
save on energy (approximately 10%).
When using this mode, we advise you to set the thermostat
to 200°C, as it is the most efficient way to use the grill,
which is based on the use of infrared rays. However, this
does not mean you cannot use lower temperatures, simply
by adjusting the thermostat knob to the desired tempera-
Therefore the best results when using the grill modes
are obtained by placing the grid on the lower racks
(see cooking table) then, to prevent fat and grease
from dripping onto the bottom of the oven and smoke
from forming, place a dripping-pan on the 1st oven
rack from the bottom.
Baking Cakes
When baking cakes, always place them in a preheated
oven. Make sure you wait until the oven has been
preheated thoroughly (the red light E will turn off). Do
not open the oven door during baking to prevent the cake
from dropping. In general:
Cooked well on the inside but sticky on the
Use less liquid, lower the temperature, and increase
the cooking time.
The pastry sticks to the pan
Grease the pan well and sprinkle it with a dusting of
flour or use greaseproof paper.
Pastry is too dry
Increase the temperature by 10°C and reduce the
cooking time.
Pastry dropped
Use less liquid or lower the temperature by 10°C.
Pastry is too dark on top
Place it on a lower rack, lower the temperature, and
increase the cooking time.
I used more than one level (in the function
"ventilated oven") and they are not all at the same
cooking point
Use a lower temperature setting. It is not necessary to
remove the food from all the racks at the same time.
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 2.41 MB)
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Henry ROLLIER 04-02-2023
Buenos dias, El sello del horno se está despegando en la parte superior e inferior (en el medio). ¿Esta pieza de repuesto está en alguna parte o podemos intentar pegarla? ¡Gracias por tus aportes y/o consejos!

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Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Indesit FM 21 K.C Horno. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Indesit. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Indesit FM 21 K.C Horno en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Indesit
Modelo FM 21 K.C
Categoría Hornos
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 2.41 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Indesit FM 21 K.C Horno

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

Mi horno no se calienta lo suficiente, ¿qué debo hacer? Verificado

El termostato hace que el horno se caliente a la temperatura elegida. Probablemente el termostato está defectuoso. Hágalo reemplazar. En caso de duda, póngase en contacto con el fabricante.

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¿Qué es la pirólisis? Verificado

Algunos hornos están equipados con una función de pirólisis. Se trata de un sistema de limpieza que quema la suciedad y la grasa en el horno alcanzando temperaturas muy altas. Después de la pirólisis, toda la suciedad se habrá convertido en cenizas por lo que es fácil de eliminar. Si el horno tiene una función de pirólisis, aconsejamos utilizarla de 3 a 4 veces al año para mantenerlo limpio.

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¿Puedo asar varios alimentos simultáneamente si uso más de una bandeja de parrilla? Verificado

Técnicamente, es posible. Sin embargo, según el tipo de alimento es posible que tenga que ajustar el tiempo de cocción o cambiar las bandejas a mitad del tiempo de preparación.

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Cuando utilizo el horno, a menudo quedan restos de comida que caen al fondo y provocan humo. ¿Cómo puedo prevenir esto? Verificado

Muchos hornos vienen con una rejilla y una bandeja para hornear. Cuando se preparan alimentos en la parrilla, la bandeja de horno se puede colocar en la parte inferior para evitar que los restos de alimentos se quemen y provoquen humo.

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El humo se acumula en el horno cuando se calienta. ¿Por qué? Verificado

Probablemente hay restos de comida de un plato anterior en el horno. Los restos de alimentos muy grasientos pueden generar humo cuando se calientan. Limpie el horno a fondo.

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Manual de uso Indesit FM 21 K.C Horno

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