Manual de uso Kenmore 106.89553 Máquina de hacer hielo

¿Necesita un manual para su Kenmore 106.89553 Máquina de hacer hielo? A continuación puedes ver y descargar el manual en PDF gratis en español. Este producto actualmente tiene 0 preguntas frecuentes, 0 comentarios y tiene 0 votos. Si este no es el manual que desea, , contáctenos.

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Manual de uso


PROTECTION AGREEMENTS ...................................................2
WARRANTY .............................................................................3
ICE MAKER SAFETY .................................................................3
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS............................................. 4
Unpack the Ice Maker..................................................................... 4
Location Requirements......................................................................5
Electrical Requirements ....................................................................5
Water Supply Requirements ...........................................................5
Connect Water Supply.....................................................................6
Drain Pump Installation ................................................................... 7
Drain Connection.............................................................................10
Ice Maker Door Reversal—Side Swing Only..............................11
Water Filtration System ................................................................. 13
ICE MAKER USE..................................................................... 14
How Your Ice Maker Works ......................................................... 14
Using the Controls............................................................................15
Normal Sounds.................................................................................15
ICE MAKER CARE ...................................................................16
Cleaning............................................................................................ 16
Vacation and Moving Care .......................................................... 18
Ice Maker Operation...................................................................... 19
Ice Production ................................................................................. 20
Ice Quality....................................................................................... 20
Plumbing Problems...........................................................................21
Accessories ........................................................................................21
PERFORMANCE DATA SHEET ................................................21
SERVICE NUMBERS .............................................BACK COVER
ÍNDICE................................................................................... 22
TABLE DES MATIÈRES............................................................45
Master Protection Agreements
Congratulations on making a smart purchase.
Your new
product is designed and manufactured for years of
dependable operation. But like all products, it may require
preventive maintenance or repair from time to time. That’s when
having a Master Protection Agreement can save you money and
The Master Protection Agreement also helps extend the life of
your new product. Here’s what the Agreement* includes:
Parts and labor needed to help keep products operating
properly under normal use, not just defects. Our coverage
goes well beyond the product warranty. No deductibles, no
functional failure excluded from coverage—real protection.
Expert service by a force of more than 10,000 authorized
Sears service technicians, which means someone you can
trust will be working on your product.
Unlimited service calls and nationwide service, as often as
you want us, whenever you want us.
“No-lemon” guarantee – replacement of your covered
product if four or more product failures occur within twelve
Product replacement if your covered product can’t be fixed.
Annual Preventive Maintenance Check at your request – no
extra charge.
Fast help by phone – we call it Rapid Resolutionphone
support from a Sears representative on all products. Think of
us as a “talking owner’s manual.”
Power surge protection against electrical damage due to
power fluctuations.
$250 Food Loss Protection annually for any food spoilage
that is the result of mechanical failure of any covered
refrigerator or freezer.
Rental reimbursement if repair of your covered product takes
longer than promised.
25% discount off the regular price of any non-covered
repair service and related installed parts.
Once you purchase the Agreement, a simple phone call is all
that it takes for you to schedule service. You can call anytime
day or night, or schedule a service appointment online.
The Master Protection Agreement is a risk free purchase. If you
cancel for any reason during the product warranty period, we
will provide a full refund. Or, a prorated refund anytime after
the product warranty period expires. Purchase your Master
Protection Agreement today!
Some limitations and exclusions apply. For prices and
additional information in the U.S.A. call 18008276655.
*Coverage in Canada varies on some items. For full details call
Sears Canada at 18003616665.
Sears Installation Service
For Sears professional installation of home appliances, garage
door openers, water heaters, and other major home items, in the
U.S.A. or Canada call 18004MYHOME
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 4.82 MB)
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Aquí puedes compartir lo que piensas sobre Kenmore 106.89553 Máquina de hacer hielo. Si tiene alguna pregunta, primero lea atentamente el manual. Puede solicitar un manual utilizando nuestro formulario de contacto.

Más sobre este manual

Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Kenmore 106.89553 Máquina de hacer hielo. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Kenmore. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Kenmore 106.89553 Máquina de hacer hielo en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Kenmore
Modelo 106.89553
Categoría Máquinas de hacer hielo
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 4.82 MB

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Manual de uso Kenmore 106.89553 Máquina de hacer hielo

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