Manual de uso Kenwood TTM029 kMix Boutique Tostador

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Manual de uso


removable warming rack/toast rack
warming rack handle
Peek & View™ carriage lever
browning control
cancel button with indicator light
crumb tray
cord storage
to use your toaster
1 Plug the toaster into the power
2 Move the browning control to the
desired setting. Use a low setting
for light toasting and for thin or dry
3 Insert the bread, muffins, bagels etc.
4 Lower the lever until it locks . The
‘cancel’ button will illuminate. (The
lever will not stay down unless the
toaster is plugged in).
To toast frozen bread, move the
browning control to the defrost
position .
Use the carriage lever to lift the toast
to Peek & View™ at any time
without cancelling the toasting cycle.
To stop toasting during the cycle,
press the ‘cancel’ button, the toast
will pop up and the ‘cancel’ button
light will go off.
5 Your toast will pop up
automatically, to raise it higher, lift
the lever.
hints on using your
Select a lower setting for light
browning, for toasting one slice only
or for dry bread.
When toasting a single slice of
bread, you may notice a variation in
toast colour from one side to the
other - this is normal.
Dry/stale bread toasts more quickly
than fresh bread and thinly sliced
bread toasts more quickly than
thickly sliced bread. Therefore the
browning control should be set at a
lower setting than usual.
For best results ensure that the
bread slices are of an even
thickness, freshness and size.
In order to achieve uniform browning
we recommend you wait a minimum
of 30 seconds between each
toasting so that the control can
automatically reset. Alternatively
select a lower setting when
additional toasting is carried out.
warming rack safety
1 Never set the browning control
higher than 3 when using the
warming rack.
2 Never completely cover the warming
3 When using the warming rack, never
wrap the food up. Plastic wrapping
will melt and could catch fire. Foil will
reflect heat, damaging the toaster.
4 If you’re using the toaster slots,
always remove the warming rack so
it can’t burn you.
5 Always allow the warming rack to
cool before removing from the
toaster. Never place a hot warming
rack on a work surface.
6 Never touch hot surfaces, especially
the metal areas of the warming rack.
to use the warming rack
1 Place the warming rack on top of
toaster .
2 Put your food on top of the rack
(slicing thick items in half will speed
up the warming process).
3 Set the browning control no higher
than 3 ().
4 Lower the lever.
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 1.21 MB)
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Marca Kenwood
Modelo TTM029 kMix Boutique
Categoría Tostadores
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 1.21 MB

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Hay manchas oscuras en el calentador, ¿es un problema? Verificado

No, esto no afecta a la capacidad para tostar el pan, ni indica daños en la tostadora.

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Si utilizo mi tostadora más de una vez a la vez, el pan se quemará más rápido. ¿Porqué es eso? Verificado

La mayoría de las tostadoras funcionan con un elemento calefactor. Cuando se utiliza la tostadora por primera vez, es necesario calentarla desde la temperatura ambiente. Cuando inmediatamente después se tuesta más pan, el elemento calefactor ya está caliente y el pan se tuesta más rápido.

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Manual de uso Kenwood TTM029 kMix Boutique Tostador

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