Manual de uso Kichler 84316MBK Walman Lámpara

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Manual de uso


For warranty informaon please visit:
Fixture Diagram
Parts List
Disconnect Power at the main circuit breaker panel or main
fusebox before starng and during the installaon.
This xture is intended for installaon in accordance with the
Naonal Electrical Code (NEC) and all local code specicaons.
If you are not familiar with code requirements, installaon by a
cered electrician is recommended.
This LED xture is compable with most standard incandescent
dimmers, LED dimmers, and electronic low voltage dimmers.
For opmal performance, an electronic low voltage dimmer
should be used.
See for a list of compable dimmers
• Always be certain that electric current is turned o before
• Only a so damp cloth should be used. Harsh cleaning
products may damage the nish.
[A] Outlet Box
[B] Mounting
[C] Canopy
[D] Countersunk
[E] Plate
[F] Cable Strain
[G] Support
[H] Power Wire
[I] Safety Cable
1) Remove mounng plate[B] from canopy[C] by
unscrewing three (3) countersunk mounng screws[D]
from side of canopy. Retain screws for re-aaching
canopy to mounng plate.
2) Aach mounng plate[B] to outlet box[A] using the
plate mounng screws[E]. Mounng plate can be
adjusted to suit posion of xture.
3) Adjust each support cable[G] to the desired length. To
shorten the cable, push up on the cable at the cable
strain relief[F] aached to the canopy and push cable
into canopy. To lengthen the cable, push up on the cable
strain relief and gently pull down on the cable to the
desired length. Adjust the length of the power wire[H]
simultaneously by gently pulling wire out of canopy or
pushing wire into canopy.
4) Aach the safety cable[I] to the mounng plate or to the
inside of the outlet box and secure into place to prevent
damage to wires during wiring.
5) Grounding instrucons: (See Illus. a or b).
a) On xtures where mounng plate is provided with a
hole and two raised dimples, wrap ground wire from
outlet box around green ground screw, and thread
into hole.
b) On xtures where a cupped washer is provided,
aach ground wire from outlet box under cupped
washer and green ground screw, and thread into
mounng plate.
If xture is provided with ground wire, connect xture
ground wire to outlet box ground wire with wire
connector aer following the above steps. Never connect
ground wire to black or white power supply wires.
6) Make wire connecons. Reference chart below for
correct connecons and wire accordingly.
Connect Black or Red
Supply Wire to:
Connect White Supply
Wire to:
Black White
*Parallel cord (round &
*Parallel cord (square &
Clear, Brown, Gold or
Black without Tracer
Clear, Brown, Gold or Black
with Tracer
Insulated wire (other
than green) with copper
Insulated wire (other
than green) with silver
*Note: When parallel wire (SPT
1 & SPT 2) are used. The neutral
wire is square shaped or ridged
and the other wire will be round
in shape or smooth (See illus.)
Neutral Wire
7) Raise xture to ceiling, carefully passing canopy[C] over
mounng plate[B].
NOTE: Make sure wires do not get pinched between
canopy and ceiling.
8) Align three (3) holes on side of canopy with three (3)
holes on ange of mounng plate.
9) Secure canopy to mounng plate using countersunk
mounng screws[D] previously removed from canopy.
Installaon Instrucons
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operaon is subject to the following two
1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operaon.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protecon against harmful interference in a residenal installaon. This equipment generates,
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instrucons, may cause harmful interference to radio communicaons. However, there is
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a parcular installaon. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television recepon, which can be determined by turning
the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separaon between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dierent from that to which the
receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC Informaon:
We’re here to help 866-558-5706
Hrs: M-F 9am to 5pm EST
REV 26-MAR-2021
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Marca Kichler
Modelo 84316MBK Walman
Categoría Lámparas
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 0.38 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Kichler 84316MBK Walman Lámpara

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

¿Es regulable toda la iluminación led? Verificado

No, no todas las bombillas led son regulables. Esto se indica en el embalaje o en la propia bombilla.

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Puse una nueva luz en mi lámpara pero no se enciende, ¿por qué? Verificado

Algunas lámparas están hechas para fuentes de luz de un vataje específico. Cuando se inserta una fuente de luz que requiere una potencia superior a la que puede proporcionar la lámpara, es posible que la luz no se encienda. Si la lámpara entrega un vataje mucho más alto de lo que está hecha la fuente de luz, la fuente de luz puede quemarse.

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¿Por qué es importante el color de la luz? Verificado

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¿Qué significa lumen? Verificado

Lumen es una unidad de medida para la cantidad total de luz visible emitida por una fuente.

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¿Cuáles son las bases de tornillo que existen? Verificado

Hay muchos tipos de bases de tornillo en el mundo, pero la mayor parte está basada en la rosca Edison, indicada por la letra E. En la mayor parte de los países las bases de tornillo E27 y E14 son las más comunes. En los Estados Unidos las E26, E17, E12 y E10 son estándar.

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¿Qué dicen los vatios acerca de mi lámpara? Verificado

El vatio es una unidad de medida para el consumo de electricidad. Las lámparas que emiten más luz suelen consumir más vatios, pero para comparar la potencia luminosa siempre debe usar los lúmenes.

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¿Qué significa led? Verificado

Led significa diodo emisor de luz. Al guiar la electricidad en la dirección correcta a través de un semiconductor, se emite la luz.

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Manual de uso Kichler 84316MBK Walman Lámpara

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