Manual de uso Kiwi KT 6504 Tostador

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Manual de uso


KT 6504 User Manual
Take the appliance and accessories out the box. Remove the stickers, protective foil or
plastic from the device.
Place the device on a flat stable surface and ensure a minimum of 10 cm. free space
around the device. This device is not suitable for installation in a cabinet or for outside use.
Put the power cable into the socket. (Note: Make sure the voltage which is indicated on the
device matches the local voltage before connecting the device.
When the device is turned on for the first time, a slight odor will occur.
This is normal, ensure adequate ventilation. This smell is only temporary and will disappear
Put a slice of bread in one of the slots. You can place 2 slices in the device. Make sure the
crumb tray is in place before use.
Plug the power cord into a grounded outlet. Turn the browning control to your desired
position. Press the lever completely down to start the toasting process.
Once the bread has been toasted to the desired taste, the lever will
pop up automatically.
During the toasting, you can check the toasting color of the bread. If it is to your satisfaction,
you can press the stop button to cancel the operation at any time.
Before cleaning, unplug the appliance and wait for the appliance to cool down.
Clean the appliance with a damp cloth. Never use harsh and abrasive cleaners, ascouring
pad or steel wool, which damages the device.
Never immerse the electrical device in water or any other liquid. The device is not
dishwasher proof.
Pull out the crumb tray and remove the crumbs. By using the device frequently, repeat this
every week.
Do not use a metal object (fork, knife .... ) to clean the inside of the appliance as this may
damage the heating elements.
This appliance should not be put into the domestic garbage at the end of its durability, but
must be taken to a central point for the recycling of electric and electronic domestic appliances.
This symbol on the appliance, instruction manual and packaging puts your attention to this
important issue. The materials used in this appliance can be recycled. By recycling used
domestic appliances you contribute to foment the protection of our environment. Ask your
local authorities for information regarding the point of recollection.
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 0.41 MB)
(Piense en el medioambiente y solo imprima este manual si es de verdad necesario)



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Más sobre este manual

Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Kiwi KT 6504 Tostador. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Kiwi. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Kiwi KT 6504 Tostador en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Kiwi
Modelo KT 6504
Categoría Tostadores
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 0.41 MB

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Hay manchas oscuras en el calentador, ¿es un problema? Verificado

No, esto no afecta a la capacidad para tostar el pan, ni indica daños en la tostadora.

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Si utilizo mi tostadora más de una vez a la vez, el pan se quemará más rápido. ¿Porqué es eso? Verificado

La mayoría de las tostadoras funcionan con un elemento calefactor. Cuando se utiliza la tostadora por primera vez, es necesario calentarla desde la temperatura ambiente. Cuando inmediatamente después se tuesta más pan, el elemento calefactor ya está caliente y el pan se tuesta más rápido.

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Manual de uso Kiwi KT 6504 Tostador

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