Manual de uso Lenco PDR-051TPSI Radio

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Manual de uso


3 4
Usage of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specied herein may result in hazardous
radiaon exposure.
1. Do not cover or block any venlaon openings. When placing the device on a shelf, leave 5 cm (2”) free space around
the whole device.
2. Install in accordance with the supplied user manual.
3. Keep the device away from heat sources such as radiators, heaters, stoves, candles and other heat-generang products
or naked ame. The device can only be used in moderate
climates. Extremely cold or warm environments should be
avoided. Working temperature between 0° and 35°C.
4. Avoid using the device near strong magnec elds.
5. Electrostac discharge can disturb normal usage of this device. If so, simply reset and restart the device following the
instrucon manual. During le transmission, please handle with care and operate in a stac-free environment.
6. Warn
ing! Never insert an object into the product through the vents or openings. High voltage ows through the
product and inserng an object can cause electric shock and/or short circuit internal parts. For the same reason, do not
spill water or liquid on the product.
7. Do not use in wet or moist areas such as bathrooms, steamy kitchens or near swimming pools.
8. The device shall not be exposed to dr
ipping or splashing and make sure that no objects lled with liquids, such as vases,
are placed on or near the apparatus.
9. Do not use this device when condensaon may occur. When the unit is used in a warm wet room with damp, water
droplets or condensaon may occur inside the unit and the unit may not funcon properly; let the unit stand in power
OFF for 1 or 2 hours before turning on the power:
the unit should be dry before geng any power.
10. Although this device is manufactured with the utmost care and checked several mes before leaving the factory, it is
sll possible that problems may occur, as with all electrical appliances. If you noce smoke, an excessive build-up of
heat or any other unexpected phenomena, you should disconnect the plug from the main power socket immediately.
1. This device must operate on a power source as specied on the specicaon label. If you are not sure of the type of
power supply used in your home, consult your dealer or local power company.
12. Keep away from animals. Some animals enjoy bing on power cords.
13. To clean the device, use a so dry cloth. Do not use solvents or petrol based uids.
To remove severe stains, you may use a damp cl
oth with dilute detergent.
14. The supplier is not responsible for damage or lost data caused by malfuncon, misuse, modicaon of the device or
baery replacement.
15. Do not interrupt the connecon when the device is formaing or transferring les. Otherwise, data may be corrupted
or lost.
16. If the unit has USB playback funcon, the USB memory sck should be plugged into the unit directly. Don
’t use an USB
extension cable because it can cause interference resulng in failing of data.
17. The rang label has been marked on the boom or back panel of the device.
18. This device is not intended for use by people (including children) with physical, sensory or mental disabilies, or a lack
of experience and knowledge, unless they’re under supervision or have received instrucons about the c
orrect use of
the device by the person who is responsible for their safety.
19. This product is intended for non professional use only and not for commercial or industrial use.
20. Make sure the unit is adjusted to a stable posion. Damage caused by using this product in an unstable posion
vibraons or shocks or by failure to follow any other warning or precauon contained within this user manual
will not
be covered by warranty.
21. Never remove the casing of this device.
22. Never place this device on other electrical equipment.
23. Do not allow children access to plasc bags.
24. Only use aachments/accessories specied by the manufacturer.
25. Refer all servicing to qualied service personnel. Servicing is required when the device has been damaged in any way,
such as the power supply c
ord or the plug, when liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the device, when the
device has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.
26. Long exposure to loud sounds from personal music players may lead to temporary or permanent hearing loss.
27. If the product is delivered with power cable or AC power adaptor:
If any trouble occur, disconn
ect the AC power cord and refer servicing to qualified personnel.
Don’t step on or pinch the power adaptor. Be very careful, parcularly near the plugs and the cable’s exit point. Do
not place heavy items on the power adaptor, which may damage it. Keep the enre device out of children’s reach!
When playing with the power cable, they can seriously injure themselves.
Unplug this device during li
ghtning storms or when unused for a long period.
The socket outlet must be installed near the equipment and must be easily accessible.
Do not overload ac outlets or extension cords. Overloading can cause re or electric shock.
Devices with class 1 construcon should be connected to a main socket outlet with a protecve earthed
Devices with class 2 construcon do not requ
ire a earthed connecon.
Always hold the plug when pulling it out of the main supply socket. Do not pull the power cord. This can cause a
short circuit.
Do not use a damaged power cord or plug or a loose outlet. Doing so may result in re or electric shock.
1. If the product contains or is delivered with a remote control containing coin/cell baeries:
Do not ingest baery, Chemical
Burn Hazard” or equivalent working.
[The remote control supplied with] This product contains a coin/buon cell baery. If the baery is swallowed, it
can cause severe internal burns in just 2 hours and can lead to death.
Keep new and used baeries away from children.
If the baery compartment does not close securely, stop using the product and keep it away from children.
If you think bae
ries might have been swallowed or placed inside any part of the body, seek immediate medical
2. Cauon about the use of Baeries:
Danger of explosion if baery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type.
Baery cannot be subjected to high or low extreme temperatures, low air pressure at high altude during use,
storage or transportaon.
Replacement of a
baery with an incorrect type that can result in an explosion or the leakage of ammable liquid
or gas.
Disposal of a baery into re or a hot oven, or mechanically crushing or cung of a baery, that can result in an
Leaving a baery in an extremely high temperature surrounding environment that can result in an explosion or
that leakage of ammable liquid or gas.
A baery subject
ed to extremely low air pressure that may result in an explosion or the leakage of ammable
liquid or gas.
Aenon should be drawn to the environmental aspects of baery disposal.
Unpack all parts and remove protecve material.
Do not connect the unit to the mains before checking the mains voltage and before all other connecons have been
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Marca Lenco
Modelo PDR-051TPSI
Categoría Radio
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 15.18 MB

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¿Qué es DAB+? Verificado

DAB+ es el sucesor de la señal de FM y significa radiodifusión de audio digital por sus siglas en inglés. Es una señal digital que permite un mayor número de canales dentro del mismo ancho de banda y permite cambiar más fácilmente de un canal a otro.

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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre FM y AM? Verificado

Tanto FM como AM son formas de modulación utilizadas para transmitir una señal. FM significa modulación de frecuencia y AM significa modulación de amplitud. AM es la forma de modulación más antigua. La mayor diferencia es que la señal de FM es mucho más fuerte que la de AM.

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Manual de uso Lenco PDR-051TPSI Radio

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