Manual de uso Maktec MT963 Amoladora angular

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Manual de uso


e) Support panels or any oversized workpiece
to minimize the risk of wheel pinching and
kickback. Large workpieces tend to sag under
their own weight. Supports must be placed under
the workpiece near the line of cut and near the
edge of the workpiece on both sides of the
f) Use extra caution when making a “pocket
cut” into existing walls or other blind areas.
The protruding wheel may cut gas or water
pipes, electrical wiring or objects that can cause
Safety Warnings Specific for Sanding Operations:
a) Do not use excessively oversized sanding
disc paper. Follow manufacturers recommen-
dations, when selecting sanding paper.
Larger sanding paper extending beyond the
sanding pad presents a laceration hazard and
may cause snagging, tearing of the disc or kick-
Safety Warnings Specific for Wire Brushing Opera-
a) Be aware that wire bristles are thrown by the
brush even during ordinary operation. Do not
overstress the wires by applying excessive
load to the brush. The wire bristles can easily
penetrate light clothing and/or skin.
b) If the use of a guard is recommended for wire
brushing, do not allow interference of the
wire wheel or brush with the guard. Wire
wheel or brush may expand in diameter due to
work load and centrifugal forces.
Additional safety warnings:
17. When using depressed center grinding wheels,
be sure to use only fiberglass-reinforced wheels.
18. Be careful not to damage the spindle, the flange
(especially the installing surface) or the lock nut.
Damage to these parts could result in wheel
19. Make sure the wheel is not contacting the work-
piece before the switch is turned on.
20. Before using the tool on an actual workpiece, let
it run for a while. Watch for vibration or wobbling
that could indicate poor installation or a poorly
balanced wheel.
21. Use the specified surface of the wheel to per-
form the grinding.
22. Watch out for flying sparks. Hold the tool so that
sparks fly away from you and other persons or
flammable materials.
23. Do not leave the tool running. Operate the tool
only when hand-held.
24. Do not touch the workpiece immediately after
operation; it may be extremely hot and could
burn your skin.
25. Always be sure that the tool is switched off and
unplugged or that the battery cartridge is
removed before carrying out any work on the
26. Observe the instructions of the manufacturer for
correct mounting and use of wheels. Handle and
store wheels with care.
27. Do not use separate reducing bushings or adap-
tors to adapt large hole abrasive wheels.
28. Use only flanges specified for this tool.
29. For tools intended to be fitted with threaded hole
wheel, ensure that the thread in the wheel is long
enough to accept the spindle length.
30. Check that the workpiece is properly supported.
31. Pay attention that the wheel continues to rotate
after the tool is switched off.
32. If working place is extremely hot and humid, or
badly polluted by conductive dust, use a short-
circuit breaker (30 mA) to assure operator safety.
33. Do not use the tool on any materials containing
34. Do not use water or grinding lubricant.
35. Ensure that ventilation openings are kept clear
when working in dusty conditions. If it should
become necessary to clear dust, first disconnect
the tool from the mains supply (use non metallic
objects) and avoid damaging internal parts.
36. When use cut-off wheel, always work with the
dust collecting wheel guard required by domes-
tic regulation.
37. Cutting discs must not be subjected to any lat-
eral pressure.
DO NOT let comfort or familiarity with product
(gained from repeated use) replace strict adherence
to safety rules for the subject product. MISUSE or
failure to follow the safety rules stated in this instruc-
tion manual may cause serious personal injury.
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 1.19 MB)
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Marca Maktec
Modelo MT963
Categoría Amoladoras angulares
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 1.19 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Maktec MT963 Amoladora angular

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

¿En qué material puedo usar mi amoladora angular? Verificado

Las amoladoras angulares son más adecuadas para su uso en metal o piedra. Las máquinas generan mucho calor y, por lo tanto, son menos adecuadas para su uso en madera o plástico.

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¿Necesito usar protección para los oídos cuando utilizo una amoladora angular? Verificado

Si deberías. Aunque la cantidad de ruido producido por una amoladora angular puede variar entre marcas y modelos, la exposición prolongada a ruidos fuertes puede causar daños auditivos permanentes. Por eso es una buena idea usar protección auditiva.

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¿Necesito usar protección para los ojos cuando utilizo una amoladora angular? Verificado

Si. Las partículas pequeñas pueden volar durante la molienda. Cuando estos golpean un ojo, pueden causar daño ocular permanente. Por eso siempre es necesario usar protección para los ojos.

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¿Puedo guardar herramientas eléctricas en un cobertizo o garaje? Verificado

En general, las herramientas eléctricas se pueden guardar en un cobertizo o en un garaje, aunque a veces haga frío allí. Sin embargo, para prolongar la vida útil de la herramienta eléctrica, es mejor guardarla en un lugar seco y sin grandes fluctuaciones de temperatura. En un cobertizo o garaje, las diferencias de temperatura pueden provocar la formación de condensación, lo que puede provocar oxidación. Además, las herramientas que funcionan con baterías duran menos y no se cargan tan bien a temperaturas muy bajas. Para estar seguro de cómo debe almacenarse su herramienta eléctrica, lea siempre detenidamente el manual del usuario.

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Manual de uso Maktec MT963 Amoladora angular

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