Manual de uso Maktec MT963 Amoladora angular

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Manual de uso


Always be sure that the tool is switched off and
unplugged before adjusting or checking function on the
Shaft lock (Fig. 1)
Never actuate the shaft lock when the spindle is mov-
ing. The tool may be damaged.
Press the shaft lock to prevent spindle rotation when
installing or removing accessories.
Switch action (Fig. 2)
• Before plugging in the tool, always check to see that
the slide switch actuates properly and returns to the
“OFF” position when the rear of the slide switch is
Switch can be locked in “ON” position for ease of oper-
ator comfort during extended use. Apply caution when
locking tool in “ON” position and maintain firm grasp on
To start the tool, slide the switch lever toward the “I (ON)”
position. For continuous operation, press the front of the
switch lever to lock it.
To stop the tool, press the rear of the switch lever, then
slide it toward the “O (OFF)” position.
Always be sure that the tool is switched off and
unplugged before carrying out any work on the tool.
Installing side grip (handle) (Fig. 3)
Always be sure that the side grip is installed securely
before operation.
Screw the side grip securely on the position of the tool as
shown in the figure.
Installing or removing wheel guard
(For depressed center wheel, multi disc /
abrasive cut-off wheel, diamond wheel) (Fig. 4)
The wheel guard must be fitted on the tool so that the
closed side of the guard always points toward the oper-
Mount the wheel guard with the protrusion on the wheel
guard band aligned with the notch on the bearing box.
Then rotate the wheel guard to such an angle that it can
protect the operator according to work. Be sure to tighten
the screw securely.
To remove wheel guard, follow the installation procedure
in reverse.
Installing or removing depressed center grinding
Always use supplied guard when depressed center
grinding wheel/Multi-disc is on tool. Wheel can shatter
during use and guard helps to reduce chances of per-
sonal injury.
Mount the inner flange onto the spindle. Fit the wheel/
disc on the inner flange and screw the lock nut onto the
spindle. (Fig. 5)
To tighten the lock nut, press the shaft lock firmly so that
the spindle cannot revolve, then use the lock nut wrench
and securely tighten clockwise.
To remove the wheel, follow the installation procedure in
reverse. (Fig. 6)
Only actuate the shaft lock when the spindle is not
It should never be necessary to force the tool. The
weight of the tool applies adequate pressure. Forcing
and excessive pressure could cause dangerous wheel
ALWAYS replace wheel if tool is dropped while grind-
NEVER bang or hit grinding disc or wheel onto work.
Avoid bouncing and snagging the wheel, especially
when working corners, sharp edges etc. This can
cause loss of control and kickback.
• NEVER use tool with wood cutting blades and other
saw blades. Such blades when used on a grinder fre-
quently kick and cause loss of control leading to per-
sonal injury.
After operation, always switch off the tool and wait until
the wheel has come to a complete stop before putting
the tool down.
Grinding and sanding operation (Fig. 7)
ALWAYS hold the tool firmly with one hand on housing
and the other on the side handle. Turn the tool on and
then apply the wheel or disc to the workpiece.
In general, keep the edge of the wheel or disc at an angle
of about 15 degrees to the workpiece surface.
During the break-in period with a new wheel, do not work
the grinder in the B direction or it will cut into the work-
piece. Once the edge of the wheel has been rounded off
by use, the wheel may be worked in both A and B direc-
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Marca Maktec
Modelo MT963
Categoría Amoladoras angulares
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 1.19 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Maktec MT963 Amoladora angular

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¿En qué material puedo usar mi amoladora angular? Verificado

Las amoladoras angulares son más adecuadas para su uso en metal o piedra. Las máquinas generan mucho calor y, por lo tanto, son menos adecuadas para su uso en madera o plástico.

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¿Necesito usar protección para los oídos cuando utilizo una amoladora angular? Verificado

Si deberías. Aunque la cantidad de ruido producido por una amoladora angular puede variar entre marcas y modelos, la exposición prolongada a ruidos fuertes puede causar daños auditivos permanentes. Por eso es una buena idea usar protección auditiva.

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¿Necesito usar protección para los ojos cuando utilizo una amoladora angular? Verificado

Si. Las partículas pequeñas pueden volar durante la molienda. Cuando estos golpean un ojo, pueden causar daño ocular permanente. Por eso siempre es necesario usar protección para los ojos.

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¿Puedo guardar herramientas eléctricas en un cobertizo o garaje? Verificado

En general, las herramientas eléctricas se pueden guardar en un cobertizo o en un garaje, aunque a veces haga frío allí. Sin embargo, para prolongar la vida útil de la herramienta eléctrica, es mejor guardarla en un lugar seco y sin grandes fluctuaciones de temperatura. En un cobertizo o garaje, las diferencias de temperatura pueden provocar la formación de condensación, lo que puede provocar oxidación. Además, las herramientas que funcionan con baterías duran menos y no se cargan tan bien a temperaturas muy bajas. Para estar seguro de cómo debe almacenarse su herramienta eléctrica, lea siempre detenidamente el manual del usuario.

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Manual de uso Maktec MT963 Amoladora angular

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