Manual de uso Maytag MEW9627FB Horno

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Manual de uso


Self-Cleaning Cycle
Burn Hazard
Do not touch the oven during the Self-Cleaning cycle.
Keep children away from the oven during Self-Cleaning
Failure to follow these instructions can result in burns.
IMPORTANT: The health of some birds is extremely sensitive to
the fumes given off during the Self-Cleaning cycle. Exposure to
the fumes may result in death to certain birds. Always move birds
to another closed and well-ventilated room.
Self-clean the oven before it becomes heavily soiled. Heavy soil
results in longer cleaning and more smoke.
Keep the kitchen well-ventilated during the Self-Cleaning cycle to
help get rid of heat, odors, and smoke.
Do not block the oven vent(s) during the Self-Cleaning cycle. Air
must be able to move freely. See the “Oven Vents” section.
Do not clean, rub, damage, or move the oven door gasket. The
door gasket is essential for a good seal.
Prepare Oven:
Remove the broiler pan, grid, cookware and bakeware, and,
on some models, the temperature probe from the oven.
Remove oven racks to keep them shiny and easy to slide. See
the “General Cleaning” section for more information.
Remove any foil from the oven because it may burn or melt,
damaging the oven.
Hand clean inside door edge and the 1
" (3.8 cm) area
around the inside oven cavity frame, being certain not to move
or bend the gasket. This area does not get hot enough during
high-temp self-cleaning to remove soil. Do not let water,
cleaner, etc., enter slots on door frame. Use a damp cloth to
clean this area.
Wipe out any loose soil to reduce smoke and avoid damage.
At high temperatures, foods react with porcelain. Staining,
etching, pitting, or faint white spots can result. This is normal
and will not affect cooking performance.
Oven temperature must be below 500°F (260°C) to program a
clean cycle.
For double ovens only: Only 1 oven can be cleaned at a time.
For double ovens only: Both oven doors will lock when either
oven is running the Self-Cleaning cycle.
How the Cycle Works
IMPORTANT: The heating and cooling of porcelain on steel in the
oven may result in discoloring, loss of gloss, hairline cracks, and
popping sounds.
The Self-Cleaning cycle uses very high temperatures, burning soil
to a powdery ash.
NOTE: 12 hours must pass before the next Self-Clean can begin.
Once the oven has completely cooled, remove ash with a damp
cloth. To avoid breaking the glass, do not apply a cool damp cloth
to the inner door glass before it has completely cooled.
The oven lights will not work during the Self-Cleaning cycle.
NOTE: The oven has a two-speed cooling fan motor. During the
Self-Cleaning cycle, the fan(s) will operate at its highest speed to
increase airflow to better exhaust the hotter air through the oven
vent(s). An increase in noise may be noticeable during and after
the Self-Cleaning cycle until the oven cools.
Before Self-Cleaning, make sure the door is closed completely or
it will not lock and the cycle will not begin. When the oven is
locked, the doors of the oven cannot be opened. To avoid damage
to the doors, do not force the doors open when the oven is locked.
To Self-Clean:
NOTE: For specific instructions on your model’s Self-Clean cycle,
please see your model’s online Control Guide.
1. Close door, and (for select models) Touch the Tools keypad.
2. Select Self-Clean icon.
3. (For Double-Ovens) Select Upper Cavity or Lower Cavity. On
some models, select the “1” or “2” number keypad to select
desired oven to clean.
4. Select duration or level of cleaning. This will impact the
duration which can range from 3 to 6 hours including cool
down. If this model offers “Steam Clean” please check the
“Steam Clean” section.
5. (On select models) follow the prompts on the oven display to
prepare the oven.
6. Select Start OR (on select models) select Delay Start to set a
delayed Self-Cleaning cycle. See the “To Delay Start Self-
Cleaning Cycle” section .The oven doors will automatically
NOTE: It may take a couple moments for the oven door to
automatically lock after starting the Self-Clean Cycle. The
doors will automatically unlock once the Self-Cleaning cycle is
complete and the oven is cool.
7. When the oven is completely cooled, remove ash with a damp
Delay Start: (On select models)
Depending on your model, your oven may be able to Delay Start
the Self-Cleaning cycle. You may be able to use one of the
methods listed below.
NOTE: For specific instructions on your model’s Delay Start
Self-Clean cycle, please see your model’s online Control Guide.
Version A:
1. Follow steps 1-5 in the “To Self-Clean” section.
2. Select Delay Start.
3. Select the start time of when the Self-Cleaning cycle should
begin by scrolling from left to right.
4. Select Start Delay.
The oven doors will automatically lock after the Delay Start
countdown. When the Self-Cleaning cycle is complete and the
oven cools, the oven doors will unlock.
5. When the oven is completely cooled, remove ash with a damp
Version B:
1. Close the oven doors, and then press Delay Start.
2. (For Double-Ovens) Select Upper Cavity or Lower Cavity. On
some models, select the “1” or “2” number keypad to select
the desired oven to clean.
3. Select the number keypads to enter the desired amount of
time by which you want to delay the start.
4. Press Self Clean.
5. Select level of cleaning.
6. Select Start for the selected oven.
The oven doors will automatically lock after the Delay Start
When the Self-Cleaning cycle is complete and the oven cools,
the oven doors will unlock.
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Marca Maytag
Modelo MEW9627FB
Categoría Hornos
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 2.46 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Maytag MEW9627FB Horno

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

Mi horno no se calienta lo suficiente, ¿qué debo hacer? Verificado

El termostato hace que el horno se caliente a la temperatura elegida. Probablemente el termostato está defectuoso. Hágalo reemplazar. En caso de duda, póngase en contacto con el fabricante.

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¿Qué es la pirólisis? Verificado

Algunos hornos están equipados con una función de pirólisis. Se trata de un sistema de limpieza que quema la suciedad y la grasa en el horno alcanzando temperaturas muy altas. Después de la pirólisis, toda la suciedad se habrá convertido en cenizas por lo que es fácil de eliminar. Si el horno tiene una función de pirólisis, aconsejamos utilizarla de 3 a 4 veces al año para mantenerlo limpio.

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¿Puedo asar varios alimentos simultáneamente si uso más de una bandeja de parrilla? Verificado

Técnicamente, es posible. Sin embargo, según el tipo de alimento es posible que tenga que ajustar el tiempo de cocción o cambiar las bandejas a mitad del tiempo de preparación.

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Cuando utilizo el horno, a menudo quedan restos de comida que caen al fondo y provocan humo. ¿Cómo puedo prevenir esto? Verificado

Muchos hornos vienen con una rejilla y una bandeja para hornear. Cuando se preparan alimentos en la parrilla, la bandeja de horno se puede colocar en la parte inferior para evitar que los restos de alimentos se quemen y provoquen humo.

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El humo se acumula en el horno cuando se calienta. ¿Por qué? Verificado

Probablemente hay restos de comida de un plato anterior en el horno. Los restos de alimentos muy grasientos pueden generar humo cuando se calientan. Limpie el horno a fondo.

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Manual de uso Maytag MEW9627FB Horno

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