Manual de uso Maytag MGC4436BDB Placa

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Manual de uso


When lighting the surface burners, be
sure all of the controls are in the OFF
position. Strike the match first and hold
it in position before turning the knob.
Do not leave the cooktop unattended
when cooking during a power failure.
Surface Cooking
Settings Uses
HIGH Use HIGH to bring liquid to a boil, or reach pressure in a pressure
cooker. Always reduce setting to a lower heat when liquids begin
to boil or foods begin to cook.
An intermediate flame size is used to continue cooking. Food
will not cook any faster when a higher flame setting is used
than needed to maintain a gentle boil. Water boils at the same
temperature whether boiling gently or vigorously.
LOW Use LOW to simmer foods, keep foods warm and melt
chocolate or butter.
Some cooking may take place on the LOW setting if the pan is
covered. It is possible to reduce the heat by rotating the knob
toward OFF. Be sure flame is stable.
Suggested Heat Settings
If flame should go out during a cooking
operation, turn the burner off. If a strong
gas odor is detected, open a window
and wait five minutes before relighting
the burner.
Be sure all surface controls are set to the
OFF position prior to supplying gas to
the cooktop.
NEVER touch cooktop until it has
cooled. Expect some parts of the cooktop,
especially around the burners, to be-
come warm or hot during cooking. Use
potholders to protect hands.
Control Knobs
Use to turn on the surface
burners. An infinite
choice of heat settings
is available from LOW
to HIGH. At the
HIGH setting a detent
or notch may be felt.
Setting the Controls
1. Place a pan on the burner grate. (To pre-
serve the grate finish, do not operate the
burners without a pan on the grate to
absorb the heat from the burner flame.)
2. Push in knob and turn immediately coun-
terclockwise to the LITE setting.
A clicking (spark) sound will be heard
and the burner will light. (All ignitors
will spark when any surface burner
knob is turned on. However, only
the selected burner will light.)
3. Turn knob to desired setting.
4. Do not leave cooktop unattended.
The size and type of cookware will affect the heat setting.
During a Power
1. Hold a lighted match to the desired sur-
face burner head.
2. Push in and turn the control knob slowly
to the desired setting.
Pilotless ignition eliminates the need for a
constant standing pilot light. Each surface
burner has a spark ignitor. Use care when
cleaning around the surface burner.
If the surface burner does not light, check if
ignitor is broken, soiled or wet.
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Marca Maytag
Modelo MGC4436BDB
Categoría Placas
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 0.97 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Maytag MGC4436BDB Placa

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

¿Qué sartenes se pueden usar en una placa de inducción? Verificado

Por lo general, todas las sartenes ferromagnéticas se pueden usar en una placa de inducción. Casi todas las sartenes modernas son aptas para inducción.

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El enchufe de mi placa eléctrica no encaja en una toma corriente. ¿Qué debo hacer? Verificado

Muchas placas eléctricas (tanto de cerámica como de inducción) están equipadas con un enchufe diferente. Se debe a que estos aparatos necesitan mucha potencia. Acuda a un profesional para que le instale el aparato.

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¿Por qué se escucha un clic al encender el cocina? Verificado

Si se ha limpiado el cocina con abundante agua, los mandos podrían haberse mojado, provocando el encendido. Espere a que los mandos se sequen. Si el problema persiste, contacte con el fabricante.

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Manual de uso Maytag MGC4436BDB Placa

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