Manual de uso Mesko MS 1249 Hervidor

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Manual de uso


19. This equipment is intended for domestic and similar use, such as: staff kitchens in
stores, offices and other work environments, utility rooms, by customers in hotels, motels
and other residential environments of this type, in bedrooms and dining rooms.
20. Always use caution when boiling water in the kettle. Do not touch the housing of kettle
or lid. Do not open the lid during boiling in kettle or immediately after boiling, because
steam coming out of lid can cause burns.
21. Move the kettle only by holding it by handle..
22. Never fill kettle above MAX level and below MIN level. It may cause damage of kettle.
23. Never switch on kettle without water.
24. Never use kettle without filter or with open cover (automatic shutdown will not work).
25. Descale your kettle regularly. Using kettle with heating element covered by scale may
cause damage.
26. Do not use aggressive detergents to wash the kettle housing - they can damage the
kettle or remove the markings.
27. The device is not designed to work with external schedulers or separate remote control
28. Do not wash the base of the kettle directly in the water, just wipe with a dry cloth.
29. Children aged 3 to 8 years old can enable and disable the device only when it is in its
normal position of use, they are supervised or instructed on the safe use and understand
the resulting risks. Children aged 3 to 8 years old can not connect device, operate, clean
or maintain.
1 - housing 2 - ON / OFF switch 3 - indicator lamp
4 - base 5 - the lid 6 - handle
BEFORE FIRST USE: Fill up the kettle with water, boil and pour. Repeat three times. To remove possible scent of manufactory, please
boil few times water.
1. Fill the kettle with water. Make sure that heating plate is fully immersed in water.
2. Place the appliance on the flat, even and heat resistant surface.
3. Plug the kettle to the 220-240~50/60Hz mains, press ON/OFF switch. Indicator lamp will light.
4. After boiling water the kettle will automatically switch off.
5. Before taking the kettle out of the base make sure it is switched off.
6. The kettle can manually be switched off in any time by ON/OFF switch.
7. Keep lid closed during boiling process. Or the kettle won't automatically switch off.
8. After boiling, time demanded for the thermostat to be ready is 2 minutes. After this time kettle can be switched on again.
9. Regularly remove limestone sediment inside the kettle. Sediment may cause overheating of the kettle, shorten life cycle and cancel
guarantee. Use mixings available in household stores or apply citric acid.
10. Switching empty kettle, or with insufficient level of water, will cause automate switching off the kettle. Wait till cool down the kettle,
pour enough water and after few minutes switch the kettle on.
11. The kettle is an electrical device and it is not designed to hold water or other liquids. After boiling, the water must be immediately
pour into another bowl. The water in the kettle after boiling can not stay longer than 10 minutes. Before each use, fill the kettle with fresh
water above the minimum and below the maximum level.
Regularly descale the kettle. Descaling doesn’t belong to guarantee service. Lack of regular descaling causes damage of the elements
of the appliance and cancels warranty of the product. Use descaling mixture to descale the kettle.
Capacity max: 0,6 L
Voltage: 220-240V ~50/60Hz
Power: 760W
To protect your environment: please separate carton boxes and plastic bags and dispose them in corresponding waste bins.
Used appliance should be delivered to the dedicated collecting points due to hazarsous components, which may effect the
environment. Do not dispose this appliance in the common waste bin.
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 1.89 MB)
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Marca Mesko
Modelo MS 1249
Categoría Hervidores
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 1.89 MB

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¿Para qué es el filtro del hervidor? Verificado

Esto es para atrapar cualquier depósito calcáreo que podría haberse acumulado con el tiempo.

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El hervidor no se detiene y sigue hirviendo. ¿Qué debo hacer? Verificado

Una causa frecuente es que la tapa del hervidor no está bien cerrada. Si se deja escapar el calor, el hervidor seguirá calentando. Si esto no resuelve el problema, debe ponerse en contacto con el fabricante o con un mecánico.

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¿Puedo hervir una cantidad de agua por debajo del nivel mínimo? Verificado

No. Si hierve menos agua que la cantidad mínima, el sensor de temperatura podría funcionar mal. Esto podría impedir que el hervidor se apague en el punto de ebullición, lo que daría lugar a situaciones potencialmente peligrosas.

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¿Puedo hervir una cantidad de agua por encima del nivel máximo? Verificado

No. Si se hierve más agua que la cantidad máxima, el hervidor podría desbordarse. Esto podría dar lugar a situaciones potencialmente peligrosas.

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¿Es eficiente llenar una tetera con agua caliente del grifo? Verificado

No. Para llevar agua caliente al grifo a menudo se necesita dejar salir primero el agua fría, que se desperdiciará. Además, las tuberías se llenarán con la misma cantidad de agua caliente que no se usará y se enfriará, lo que supone una pérdida de energía. Por lo tanto, es mejor llenar una tetera con agua fría.

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Manual de uso Mesko MS 1249 Hervidor

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