Manual de uso Nikon Monarch 5 12x42 Prismáticos

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Manual de uso


Please refer to the numbered images on page 3.
1 Eyecup
2 Neck strap eyelet
3 Focusing ring
4 Objective lens
5 Interpupillary distance
6 Dioptre ring
7 Dioptre index
8 0 (zero) dioptre position
9 Central shaft
Binoculars ×1
Eyepiece cap ×1
Objective lens caps ×2
Soft case ×1
Neck strap ×1
Tripod adapter TRA-3
(16×56, 20×56 only) ×1
For directions in which to turn the eyecups, please refer to the image on page 3.
For eyeglass wearers, use fully retracted. To accurately adjust your view,
you can also use either of the two click stops before reaching the fully
retracted position.
For non-eyeglass wearers, use fully extended. To accurately adjust your
eye position, you can also use either of the two click stops before
reaching the fully extended position.
Neckstrap and caps during observation
Please refer to images A, B, C and D on page 3.
Neck Strap
Attach the neckstrap as illustrated (A), paying special attention to avoid twisting the strap.
Flipdown objective lens caps
Attach the objective lens caps (B), making sure the cap part hinges open downward from the binocular
tube when folded open. The slit should be visible at the left side of each binocular tube, viewed from the
eyepiece side, to confirm correct positioning (correctly attached when supplied).
The binoculars are used with the objective lens caps folded open (C).
Eyepiece cap
There are two ways you can position the eyepiece cap as you observe your subject.
Remove the eyepiece cap from the eyepieces and allow it to hang from the neckstrap.
Remove the eyepiece cap from the eyepieces, then detach the right strap from the cap and allow it to
hang from the left neckstrap (C).
To attach/detach caps from the neckstrap as shown in image (D) in the following order:
• Attaching: c b a
• Detaching: a b c
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 0.71 MB)
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Marca Nikon
Modelo Monarch 5 12x42
Categoría Prismáticos
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 0.71 MB

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Manual de uso Nikon Monarch 5 12x42 Prismáticos

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