Manual de uso Panasonic NN-Q553 Microondas

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Manual de uso


General Guidelines
The skin or
membrane on
some foods
will cause
steam to build
up during
These foods
must be
pierced or a
strip of skin
should be peeled off before cooking to allow
the steam to escape. Eggs, potatoes, apples,
sausages etc, will all need to be pierced
before cooking. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO BOIL
Many fresh
foods e.g.
and fruit, vary
in moisture
throughout the
potatoes are a
particular example of this. For this reason
cooking times may have to be adjusted
throughout the year. Dry ingredients e.g. rice,
pasta, can dry out further during storage and
cooking times may differ from ingredients
freshly purchased.
Cling film
helps keep the
food moist
and the
trapped steam
assists in
speeding up
cooking times.
However it
should be
pierced before
cooking, to allow excess steam to escape.
Always take care when removing cling film
from a dish as the build-up of steam will be
very hot. Always purchase cling film that
states on the packet “suitable for microwave
cooking” and use as a covering only. Do not
line dishes with cling film.
VEGETABLES - Boiled potatoes benefit
from standing for 1-2 mins., however most
other types of vegetables can be served
DEFROSTING - It is essential to allow
standing time to complete the process. This
can vary from 5 mins. e.g. raspberries, to
up to 1 hour for a joint of meat.
If food is not cooked after
TIME, return to oven and cook for
additional time.
Dense foods e.g. meat, jacket potatoes and
cakes, require a STANDING TIME (inside or
outside of the oven) after cooking, to allow
heat to finish conducting to cook the centre
Stand 8 - 10 mins. wrapped in tin foil.
Stand 5 mins. wrapped in tin foil.
LIGHT CAKES - Stand 5 mins. before
removing from dish.
RICH DENSE CAKES - Stand 15-20 mins.
FISH - Stand 2-5 mins.
EGG DISHES - Stand 2-3 mins.
FOODS - Stand for 5 mins.
PLATE MEALS - Stand for 2-5 mins.
Microwaves are a form of high frequency electromagnetic waves
similar to those used in radios. Electricity is converted into microwave
energy by a magnetron tube. The microwaves travel from a
magnetron tube to the oven cavity where they are reflected,
transmitted or absorbed.
Microwaves are reflected by metal similar to the way a ball would
bounce off a wall. Most metal cookware and utensils are not
recommended for microwave cooking, since they would produce
uneven cooking. Also, if a metal dish is placed close to the oven wall
(which is also metal), arcing (bluish sparks) could occur. Arcing can
damage an oven or cause a fire.
Microwaves pass through some materials such as paper, glass and
plastic much like sunlight shining through a window. Because these
substances do not absorb or reflect the microwave energy, they are
ideal materials for microwave cooking containers. However, they will
get hot during cooking, because as food cooks, heat is conducted
from the food to the dish.
Microwaves are absorbed by food. They penetrate to a depth of
about 2-4 cm. Microwave energy excites the molecules in the food
(especially water, fat and sugar molecules), and causes them to
vibrate very quickly. The vibration causes friction and heat is
produced. In large foods, the heat which is produced is conducted to
the centre to finish cooking the food.
Cooking with Microwave Energy
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Marca Panasonic
Modelo NN-Q553
Categoría Microondas
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 2.17 MB

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Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

Mi microondas no arranca cuando aprieto el botón de inicio, ¿qué puedo hacer? Verificado

En muchos casos no se ha cerrado la puerta correctamente. Abra y cierre la puerta e inténtelo de nuevo.

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¿Puedo usar el microondas cuando el plato giratorio no funciona? Verificado

El plato giratorio asegura que el calor se distribuya de manera uniforme. Cuando no funciona, el microondas no se puede usar correctamente. Repárelo.

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El microondas está encendido pero no funciona. ¿Porqué es eso? Verificado

Es posible que la puerta no cierre correctamente. Para garantizar la seguridad, un microondas no funcionará hasta que la puerta esté completamente cerrada. A veces, esto se puede solucionar ajustando la bisagra de la puerta.

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La placa de mica/cartón dentro del microondas se ha desprendido. ¿Podré seguir utilizando el microondas? Verificado

En absoluto. La placa de mica/cartón es la guía de ondas que distribuye las microondas. Vuelva a colocarla o consiga un reemplazo.

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Mi microondas sigue haciendo ruido, incluso después de haber terminado. ¿Es normal? Verificado

Sí, esto es un ruido normal. El ventilador enfría el microondas después de su uso. La duración depende del tiempo de funcionamiento del microondas.

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¿Por qué no puedo poner metal en mi microondas? Verificado

El metal no deja pasar las microondas sino que las rechaza. Cuando estas microondas rebotan en el mismo lugar, puede causar chispas.

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¿Puedo hervir agua en el microondas? Verificado

No absolutamente no. El agua puede sobrecalentarse. Esto significa que el agua puede alcanzar una temperatura superior a 100 ℃ sin hervir. Cuando esta agua toca cualquier objeto, puede hervir y salpicar instantáneamente, provocando quemaduras.

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Manual de uso Panasonic NN-Q553 Microondas

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