Manual de uso Panasonic S-125MW1E5 Bomba de calor

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Manual de uso


Precautions for Use
This Air-to-Water must be installed properly by qualied
installation technicians in accordance with the Installation
Instructions provided with the unit.
Before installation, check that the voltage of the electric
supply in your home or ofce is the same as the voltage
shown on the nameplate.
Avoid the following locations for installation.
Locations where smoke or combustible gas exists.
Also locations of extremely high temperature such as a
Locations where excessively high heat-generating
objects are placed.
Avoid installing the outdoor unit where salty sea water can
splash directly onto it or in sulphurous air near a spa.
(To protect the Air-to-Water from heavy corrosion)
All wiring must conform to the local electrical codes.
(Consult your dealer or a qualied electrician for details.)
Each unit must be properly grounded with a ground (or
earth) wire or through the supply wiring.
Wiring must be done by a qualied electrician.
Operation Preparation
Turn the power mains on 5 hours before
the start of operation.
(For warm-up)
Leave the power mains ON for continuous use.
Pull off the power plug from a receptacle, or switch off the
breaker, or switch off the power disconnecting mean to isolate
the Air-to-Water from the main power supply when not in use
for a long time.
Operation Condition
Use this Air-to-Water under the following temperature range.
Outdoor Unit
Indoor (water)
3WAY (Type MF2)
46°C (*DBT)
-20°C 35°C (*WBT)
Cooling &
35°C (*DBT)
*DBT: Dry bulb temperature *WBT: Wet bulb temperature
*1: Make sure to install the 2-way Valve in case that radiator/
oor heater is installed in the cooling circuit. If dew is
condensed on the radiator/oor heater at defrosting
operation, turn on the Air-to-Water in heating mode to
prevent condensation.
*2: When the water temperature is less than 25°C, preheat the
water over 25°C (operate only Air-to-Water unit).
Tips for Energy Saving
Do not block the air intake and outlet or water
intake and outlet of the unit.
(If either is obstructed, the unit will not function
well, causing malfunction.)
During cooling operation, use sunshades, blinds or
curtains to prevent direct sunlight from entering the
Always keep the water clean.
(A luck of water ow will impair the performance of the unit.)
→ “Maintenance” (P.12)
To prevent conditioned air from escaping, keep
windows, doors and any other openings closed.
Information for Users on Collection and Disposal of
Old Equipment and Used Batteries
hese symbols on the products, packaging,
and/or accompanying documents mean that
used electrical and electronic products and
batteries should not be mixed with general
household waste.
For proper treatment, recovery and recycling of old
products and used batteries, please take them to
applicable collection points, in accordance with your
national legislation and the Directives 2002/96/EC and
By disposing of these products and batteries correctly,
you will help to save valuable resources and prevent
any potential negative effects on human health and
the environment which could otherwise arise from
inappropriate waste handling.
For more information about collection and recycling of
old products and batteries, please contact your local
municipality, your waste disposal service or the point of
sale where you purchased the items.
Penalties may be applicable for incorrect disposal of this
waste, in accordance with national legislation.
For business users in the European Union
If you wish to discard electrical and electronic
equipment, please contact your dealer or supplier for
further information.
[Information on Disposal in other Countries outside
the European Union]
These symbols are only valid in the European Union.
If you wish to discard these items, please contact your
local authorities or dealer and ask for the correct method
of disposal.
Note for the battery symbol (bottom two
symbol examples):
This symbol might be used in combination with
a chemical symbol. In this case it complies
with the requirement set by the Directive for
the chemical involved.
OI_00_271368_EU.indb 4 2015-9-15 10:12:25
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Marca Panasonic
Modelo S-125MW1E5
Categoría Bombas de calor
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 60.13 MB

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Manual de uso Panasonic S-125MW1E5 Bomba de calor

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