Manual de uso PetSafe Staywell 919 Trampilla para gatos

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Manual de uso


Testing your Magnetic Cat Flap
Position the 4-way lock in the ‘in or out’ position. Place collar key on
centre of tunnel. Let go of collar key and push door with your hand to
open (Fig. 11). Do not force flap open with magnet in hand (Fig. 12). Fit
one hanging key to your cat’s collar (Fig. 13).
Training your cat to use the cat flap
Most cats will learn to use the cat flap almost at once but there are a few
who may be a little nervous at first. The following tips will help your pet to
take full advantage of the outdoor freedom and indoor comfort – which
you want for your cat – and which your new cat flap provides.
The most important rule is to be patient with your cat. Don’t be in a hurry.
Let your cat work out for itself that it can go in and out of doors. Don’t
force it through the flap or it may become frightened.
Many cat owners install cat flaps when they move houses. If this
applies to you, make sure that your cat is familiar with his or her
surroundings before you fit the cat flap. Take it on supervised
trips outdoors on a lead and make sure it also feels secure and
comfortable in its new indoor environment. Cats can develop long
lasting fears in unfamiliar surroundings.
Once you have installed your cat flap, leave the flap open for some time.
You can do this by using a long strip of masking tape; open the flap and
use the tape to keep it held open by fixing the other end of the tape to the
surface above. Make sure that the fixing is secure so that the flap can not
fall down accidentally. Let your cat become familiar with it and go in and
out freely.
Establish a motive for your cat to use the door. A good one is food. First
feed the cat near the door on the inside and then near the door outside.
Repeat as often as you need to. Most cats, especially kittens, also have
a strong urge for freedom, perhaps to hunt. Cats are also social creatures
they enjoy the company of other cats. This can be another reason for them to
explore outside.
If this is something new to your cat, it may take some patience to teach
your cat how to use it. When your cat makes progress, give them a lot of
praise - they’ve earned it!
Training your cat to use
the magnetic collar key
Before allowing your cat to use the cat flap, it is wise to acquaint your
self with the operation of the magnetic lock. From the outside of the
house take the collar key in your hand and then move it to the bottom of
the fixed tunnel attached to the interior frame. You should hear the lock
mechanism “click”. (Please note that this will only work when the cat flap
is fully assembled).
Leaving the magnet on the tunnel, push the flap using your hand. You
should note that the flap will not open if you hold the collar key against
the flap in your hand – only when leaving it on the fixed tunnel. You can
prove this by trying to push the flap with your hand when the magnet is
not on the tunnel.
Only when the cat is comfortable going in and out of the cat flap whilst the
flap has been propped open, (in line with the general training tips in the
FIG.11 FIG.12 FIG.13
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Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus PetSafe Staywell 919 Trampilla para gatos. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con PetSafe. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu PetSafe Staywell 919 Trampilla para gatos en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca PetSafe
Modelo Staywell 919
Categoría Trampillas para gatos
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 4.65 MB

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La pila de mi dispositivo está oxidada. ¿Puedo seguir usándolo con seguridad? Verificado

Sí, todavía puede usar el dispositivo con seguridad. En primer lugar, retire la pila oxidada. Nunca la toque con sus manos desnudas al hacerlo. A continuación, limpie el compartimento de la pila con un bastoncillo de algodón mojado en vinagre o zumo de limón. Déjelo secar e inserte nuevas pilas.

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Manual de uso PetSafe Staywell 919 Trampilla para gatos

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