Manual de uso Philips HR1050 Jamie Oliver Slow cooker

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Manual de uso


Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips!
This HomeCooker has been developed to help you cook a vast array
of dishes and gives you long-lasting performance. It has been designed
to allow easy cleaning and all accessories (except the safety ring) are
Some of the advantages of your HomeCooker:
- The HomeCooker with Cutting Tower helps you to slice, shred, cut,
cook and stir your fresh home-made meal everyday, while you do
something else.
- Time saving: The HomeCooker allows you to do other things during
cooking. So you can enjoy other things you like and cook at the same time.
- No burned food: The stirrer prevents the food on the bottom of
the pot from burning. Furthermore the appliance stops heating
automatically when the set temperature has been reached and the set
time has elapsed.
- Versatile: You can melt, keep warm, simmer, boil, steam, fry with or
without the stirrer.
- Very user-friendly: The simple user interface allows you to easily adjust
the settings at the touch of a button.
- Portable: The HomeCooker has a compact design, which allows you
to take it with you and cook anywhere you have electricity and a wall
socket (e.g. at a campsite, in a summer house or on your patio).
- Safe: The HomeCooker has a safety ring around the heating plate to
prevent nger burning.
Special benets of product registration
You have bought a culinary tool for life and we want to ensure that you
remain satised. We would like you to register your purchase so that we
can stay in contact with you and you can receive additional recipes from us.
Register within 3 months to receive benets including:
- Fresh ideas for recipes by email.
- Tips to use and maintain your HomeCooker.
- Special offers for accessories and other products.
Please visit to register your HomeCooker.
General description (Fig. 1)
1 Glass lid
2 Steam vent
3 Steaming tray
4 Steaming basket
5 Pasta insert
6 Stirrer
7 Pot
8 Spindle
9 Heating plate
10 Removable safety ring
11 Base
12 Control panel with display
13 Temperature increase button
14 Temperature decrease button
15 Temperature indication (°C or °F)
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 26.75 MB)
(Piense en el medioambiente y solo imprima este manual si es de verdad necesario)



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Más sobre este manual

Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Philips HR1050 Jamie Oliver Slow cooker. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Philips. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Philips HR1050 Jamie Oliver Slow cooker en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Philips
Modelo HR1050 Jamie Oliver
Categoría Slow cooker
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 26.75 MB

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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre una olla de cocción múltiple y una olla de cocción lenta? Verificado

Algunas ollas de cocción múltiple también tienen una función de olla de cocción lenta, pero una olla de cocción lenta suele ser solo una olla de cocción lenta y, por lo tanto, solo es adecuada para la cocción lenta de alimentos.

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Manual de uso Philips HR1050 Jamie Oliver Slow cooker

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