Manual de uso Primo ES20 Destructora

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Manual de uso


12 Primo ES 20 07/2013
6 Troubleshooting
Paper jam
You have fed in too much paper.
The cutting unit runs in reverse
for a few seconds and pushes
the paper back out again.
If necessary, press the reverse
button “R” to remove the stack of
• Se pa ra te pa per stack.
Feed in pa per successively.
Shredded material container full
Check the lling level in the shredded mate-
rial container regularly.
Notice Empty the cut material container,
immediately because if it is too full, malfunc-
tions can occur in the cutting system.
In the housing top, a handle recess is there
to make it easier for you to lift the cutting
head from the shredded material container.
The safety element is tted with contact pro-
tection. The document shredder switches off
when you press the safety element.
For all other malfunctions, check whether
the cutting head was correctly positioned on
the shredded material container before con-
tacting our customer service. If the motor
was overloaded, let the shredder cool down
for 15 to 20 minutes before using it again.
7 Cleaning and maintenance
Dangerous mains voltage!
Switch off the shredder and pull
out the mains plug.
When cleaning only use a soft cloth and a
mild soap-water solution. However, no water
must enter the equipment.
Oil the cutting unit when
cutting performance de-
creases or the device
becomes noisy, or every
time you empty the waste
container (Cross cut
Only use HSM special
lubricating oil for the
cutting unit to do this:
Spray the special cutting unit oil through
the paper feed along the entire width of
the cutting shafts.
Activate the automatic start/stop and let
the cutting unit run without any paper in it.
Paper dust and particles are shaken off.
Oiling the cutting unit also improves the cut-
ting performance of devices with strip cut.
If a large part of the paper stack has already
been drawn in up to the blockage, you can
also press the reverse button “R” for longer
than 3 seconds. This makes the cutting unit
run forwards again and shred the remaining
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 1.49 MB)
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Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Primo ES20 Destructora. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Primo. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Primo ES20 Destructora en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Primo
Modelo ES20
Categoría Destructoras
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 1.49 MB

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¿Por qué se detiene mi trituradora de papel después de cierto tiempo? Verificado

Las trituradoras de papel necesitan enfriarse después de un rato, para evitar el sobrecalentamiento. El tiempo de funcionamiento del dispositivo antes de que necesite enfriarse, varía entre las diferentes marcas y modelos.

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¿Con qué frecuencia debo engrasar mi trituradora de papel? Verificado

Con un uso ocasional, es suficiente engrasar la trituradora de papel una vez cada dos meses. Con un uso (muy) regular, es posible que observe que la máquina tiene dificultades para triturar o que el papel se atasca fácilmente. Estos son signos de que la máquina debe engrasarse.

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Manual de uso Primo ES20 Destructora

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