Manual de uso Sage SES980 Oracle Máquina de café espresso

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Manual de uso


Do not use attachments other than
those provided with the appliances.
Do not attempt to operate
the appliance by any method
other than those described in
this booklet.
Do not move the appliance
whilst in operation.
Do not use any other liquid apart
from cold mains/town water.
We do not recommend the use
of highly ltered, de-mineralised
or distilled water as this may
aect the taste of the coee
and how the espresso machine
is designed to function.
Never use the appliance
without water in the water tank.
Ensure the portalter is rmly
inserted and secured into the
brewing head before using
the machine.
Never remove the portalter
during the brewing operation as
the machine is under pressure.
Do not place anything, other
than cups for warming, on top
of the appliance.
Use caution when operating
machine as metal surfaces are
liable to get hot during use.
Do not touch hot surfaces. Allow
the product to cool down before
moving or cleaning any parts.
Heating element surface is
subject to residual heat after use.
Always ensure the appliance
is turned OFF, unplugged at
the power outlet and has been
allowed to cool before cleaning,
attempting to move or storing.
The appliance is not intended
to be operated by means of
an external timer or separate
remote-control system.
The use of attachments not
sold or recommended by Sage
may cause re, electric shock
or injury.
Always turn the appliance to
the o position, switch o at
the power outlet and unplug
at the power outlet when the
appliance is not in use.
Any maintenance other than
cleaning should be performed
by an authorised Sage
service centre.
Do not use the appliance on a
sink drain board.
Do not operate the appliance
if it is in an enclosed space, or
within a cupboard.
Use caution when descaling
as hot steam may be released.
Before descaling, ensure drip
tray is empty and inserted.
Refer to ‘Care & Cleaning’ for
further instructions.
Do not operate the grinder
without the hopper lid in position.
Keep ngers, hands, hair,
clothing and utensils away from
the hopper during operation.
Use caution after milk texturing
as the Auto Purge’ function
may purge hot steam when the
steam wand is lowered.
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 4.75 MB)
(Piense en el medioambiente y solo imprima este manual si es de verdad necesario)



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Más sobre este manual

Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Sage SES980 Oracle Máquina de café espresso. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Sage. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Sage SES980 Oracle Máquina de café espresso en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Sage
Modelo SES980 Oracle
Categoría Máquinas de café espresso
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 4.75 MB

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¿Qué dice la molienda sobre el café? Verificado

El tipo de molienda determina en gran medida el sabor del café. La molienda más fina generalmente significa un sabor más pronunciado, mientras que la molienda más gruesa resulta en un sabor más suave. Con la molienda muy fina el café puede estar amargo.

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¿Cuál es la mejor forma de almacenar el café? Verificado

El café se almacena mejor en una lata limpia y hermética.

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Manual de uso Sage SES980 Oracle Máquina de café espresso

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