Manual de uso Sony PS-LX350H Giradiscos

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Manual de uso


To replace the stylus
1 Turn off the turntable and amplifier.
2 Protect the stylus with the stylus cover.
3 Turn the locking collar and remove the cartridge
from the tone arm.
4 Grasp the stylus holder and pull it away from the
body of the cartridge.
5 Insert the new stylus by pushing it into the
cartridge receptacle in the slanting direction it
Replacing the Cartridge
If you find it necessary to replace the cartridge detach
the headshell from the tone arm and follow the
directions below.
1 Remove the screws holding the cartridge to the
2 Detach the four lead wires from the cartridge by
pulling on the lead terminals with a small pair of
pliers (etc.).
The cartridge should now be completely detached
from the headshell.
3 Check the location and polarity of each of the
terminal pins on the new cartridge and connect
the lead wires accordingly.
The terminal polarity of the lead wires on the
accessory headshell are shown below.
Red: Right channel
White: Left channel
Green: Right channel earth
Blue: Left channel earth
Be careful not to mix the polarities.
Stylus and Record Care
In order to prevent premature stylus and record wear,
the stylus and record should be cleaned before
To clean the stylus, brush it from back to front using a
good quality stylus cleaning brush. Do not clean the
stylus with your finger tip. When using a fluid stylus
cleaner, make sure not to moisten the stylus too much.
To clean your records, wipe thoroughly using a good
quality record cleaner.
Cleaning the Shell Terminals
If you notice a drop in sound quality, excessive noise,
or hum, this may be a result of incomplete contact due
dust or dirt on the shell terminals. Remove the shell
from the tone arm and wipe the terminals lightly with
a soft cloth, and reattach the shell to the tone arm.
Cleaning the Cabinet and Dust Cover
Clean the cabinet and dust cover periodically using a
soft dry cloth. If stains are difficult to remove, use a
cloth moistened with a mild detergent solution. Do not
use solvents such as alcohol, benzine or thinner, since
they will damage the finish.
Replacing the Stylus
The life expectancy of the stylus tip is about 500 hours.
To preserve maximum sound quality and avoid
damage to your records, we recommend replacing the
stylus within this time limit.
For a replacement stylus, consult your nearest Sony
Additional Information
Shell terminals
Stylus cover
Stylus holder
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Más sobre este manual

Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Sony PS-LX350H Giradiscos. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Sony. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Sony PS-LX350H Giradiscos en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Sony
Modelo PS-LX350H
Categoría Giradiscos
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 1.43 MB

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¿Cuándo debo reemplazar la aguja de mi tocadiscos? Verificado

Depende de la aguja, pero generalmente una aguja durará entre 500 y 2000 horas, dependiendo de la calidad. Cuando compre un tocadiscos de segunda mano, siempre sustituya la aguja como medida preventiva. Si no lo hace a tiempo, se pueden producir daños en los discos.

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Manual de uso Sony PS-LX350H Giradiscos

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