Manual de uso Stihl SH 55 Soplador de hojas

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Manual de uso


BG 55, BG 65, BG 85, SH 55, SH 85
Fueling Instructions
Fuel your power tool in well-ventilated
areas, outdoors. Always shut off the
engine and allow it to cool before
refueling. Gasoline vapor pressure may
build up inside the fuel tank depending
on the fuel used, the weather conditions
and the tank venting system.
In order to reduce the risk of burns and
other personal injury from escaping gas
vapor and fumes, remove the fuel filler
cap on your power tool carefully so as to
allow any pressure build-up in the tank
to release slowly. Never remove the fuel
filler cap while the engine is running.
Select bare ground for fueling and move
at least 10 feet (3 m) from the fueling
spot before starting the engine. Wipe off
any spilled fuel before starting your
Before Starting
Always check your power tool for proper
condition and operation before starting,
particularly the throttle trigger, throttle
trigger lockout and stop switch. The
throttle trigger must move freely. Never
attempt to modify the controls or safety
Check fuel system for leaks, especially
the visible parts, e.g., filler cap, hose
connections, manual fuel pump (only for
power tools equipped with a manual fuel
pump). Do not start the engine if there
are leaks or damage – risk of fire! Have
the machine repaired by a servicing
dealer before using it.
Never operate your power tool if it is
damaged, improperly adjusted or
maintained, or not completely or
securely assembled.
To reduce the risk of injury, do not
operate your blower unless it has a
properly mounted blower tube.
Check that the spark plug boot is
securely mounted on the spark plug – a
loose boot may cause arcing that could
ignite combustible fumes and cause a
Keep the handles clean and dry at all
times; it is particularly important to keep
them free of moisture, pitch, oil, fuel mix,
grease or resin in order for you to
maintain a firm grip and properly control
your power tool.
Start the engine at least 10 feet (3 m)
from the fueling spot, outdoors only.
Gasoline is an extremely
flammable fuel. If spilled
and ignited by a spark or
other ignition source, it
can cause fire and seri
ous burn injury or
property damage. Use
extreme caution when
handling gasoline or fuel
mix. Do not smoke or
bring any fire or flame
near the fuel or the power
tool. Note that combusti
ble fuel vapor may
escape from the fuel
Check for fuel leakage
while refueling and during
operation. If fuel leakage
is found, do not start or
run the engine until the
leak is fixed and any
spilled fuel has been
wiped away. Take care
not to get fuel on your
clothing. If this happens,
change your clothing
Unit vibrations can cause
an improperly tightened
fuel filler cap to loosen or
come off and spill quanti
ties of fuel. In order to
reduce the risk of fuel
spillage and fire, tighten
the fuel filler cap by hand
as securely as possible.
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 2.3 MB)
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gerardo 19-02-2020
he visto el manual detenidamente, pero faltan datos para manipular la sopladora stihl gb86c, me podríais enviar el manual de instrucciones de la misma... gracias y un saludo

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Más sobre este manual

Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Stihl SH 55 Soplador de hojas. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Stihl. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Stihl SH 55 Soplador de hojas en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Stihl
Modelo SH 55
Categoría Sopladores de hojas
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 2.3 MB

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