Manual de uso Stihl SH 55 Soplador de hojas

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Manual de uso


BG 55, BG 65, BG 85, SH 55, SH 85
Recommended working technique to
minimize noise:
Operate your power tool at
reasonable times only – not early in
the morning, late at night or during
midday rest periods when people
could be disturbed. Observe local
rest periods. Normal
recommendation for professional
use on weekdays: 9:00hrs to
12:00hrs and 15:00hrs to 17:00hrs.
Be considerate of neighbors at
Fewer engines mean less noise.
Where possible, do not run more
than one power tool at any time.
Operate blowers at the lowest
engine speed necessary to
accomplish the task.
Check your blower before starting
work. Pay special attention to the
muffler, air intakes and air filter.
Operate and start your power tool only
outdoors in a well ventilated area.
Operate it under good visibility and
daylight conditions only. Work carefully.
Inhalation of certain dusts, especially
organic dusts such as mold or pollen,
can cause susceptible persons to have
an allergic or asthmatic reaction.
Substantial or repeated inhalation of
dust and other airborne contaminants, in
particular those with a smaller particle
size, may cause respiratory or other
illnesses. Control dust at the source
where possible. Use good work
practices, such as operating the unit so
that the wind or operating process
directs any dust raised by the power tool
away from the operator. Follow the
recommendations of EPA / OSHA /
NIOSH and occupational and trade
associations with respect to dust
("particulate matter"). When the
inhalation of dust cannot be
substantially controlled, i.e., kept at or
near the ambient (background) level, the
operator and any bystanders should
wear a respirator approved by NIOSH /
MSHA for the type of dust encountered.
If the substance being blown is a
commercial substance, review,
understand and follow all warnings and
instructions contained in the material
safety data sheet for that substance and
/ or consult the material manufacturer /
supplier. The state of California and
some other authorities, for instance,
have published lists of substances
known to cause cancer, reproductive
toxicity, etc.
Breathing asbestos dust is dangerous
and can cause severe or fatal injury,
respiratory illness or cancer. The use
and disposal of asbestos-containing
products have been strictly regulated by
OSHA and the Environmental Protection
Agency. If you have any reason to
believe that you might be blowing or
otherwise disturbing asbestos,
immediately contact your employer or a
local OSHA representative.
Dust with silica in its composition may
contain crystalline silica. Silica is a basic
component of sand, quartz, brick, clay,
granite and numerous other minerals
and rocks, including masonry and
concrete products. Repeated and / or
substantial inhalation of airborne
crystalline silica can cause serious or
As soon as the engine is
running, this product gen
erates toxic exhaust
fumes containing chemi
cals, such as unburned
hydrocarbons (including
benzene) and carbon
monoxide, that are
known to cause respira
tory problems, cancer,
birth defects, or other
reproductive harm. Some
of the gases (e.g. carbon
monoxide) may be color
less and odorless. To
reduce the risk of serious
or fatal injury / illness
from inhaling toxic fumes,
never run the machine
indoors or in poorly venti
lated locations.
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 2.3 MB)
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gerardo 19-02-2020
he visto el manual detenidamente, pero faltan datos para manipular la sopladora stihl gb86c, me podríais enviar el manual de instrucciones de la misma... gracias y un saludo

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Más sobre este manual

Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Stihl SH 55 Soplador de hojas. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Stihl. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Stihl SH 55 Soplador de hojas en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Stihl
Modelo SH 55
Categoría Sopladores de hojas
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 2.3 MB

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Manual de uso Stihl SH 55 Soplador de hojas

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