Manual de uso Tefal CM883D10 Majestuo Máquina de café

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Manual de uso


Remove the water tank (E) and ll cold water. Fig. 3.
Lift the coffee maker’s lid (A) by pressing the lid button. Fig. 4.
The number of cups is indicated by the water level indicator. Do not exceed 10-15 cups. Fig. 5.
Place the carafe (G) closed on the heating base (C) by ensuring that it is properly in place in order
to activate the mechanism that allows the coffee to ow. Fig. 6.
Make sure that the lter holder (F) is well inserted. Fig. 7. Place lter paper into the lter holder
(F). Make sure that the lter paper is fully open and properly in place in the lter holder. Fig. 8.
Should some ground coffee be inadvertently poured into the water tank, refrain from starting the
cycle and rst clean the water tank.
The ground coffee could otherwise block the water circuit.
Add 1 spoonful (H) of ground coffee per cup in lter paper. Do not
exceed 10 spoonfuls (70 g). Fig. 9.
Close the lid (A).
If the coffee maker is in standby, press (11) to switch on, then (9) illuminates.
Press (11) to start the cycle, then (9) turns off and (10) illuminates, (1) is
displayed on the screen.
When the cycle is completed, the keep-warm feature automatically turns on for 30 minutes.
(1) remains ashing on the display for the duration of the keep-warm period.
To stop the coffee maker during the cycle, press (11), then (10) turns off and (9)
Please note:
The quantity of coffee in the carafe at the end of the cycle is less than the quantity of water poured
into the water tank, since the ground coffee and the lter absorb approximately 10% of it.
Setting the time of the Delayed Start
Your appliance features a delayed start program.
Make sure that the clock is set to the correct time. If this is not the case, follow the instructions in
the section SETTING THE CLOCK.
(2) to set the automatic start time. The PROG icon will appear on the display. Fig. 12.
Set the hour by pressing
(6) or (7) and press (2) to conrm, and the same way to set
The time setting is automatically conrmed after approximately 6 seconds or by pressing (2)
Your coffee maker will start automatically at the programmed time. You can view the programmed
time at any time by pressing (2) .
To cancel the delayed start, hold down
(2) for 2 seconds.
Please note: The AROMA function draws out maximum avor and aroma from your coffee thanks to
longer infusion.
Press the (4) before pressing (11) to start the AROMA mode.
The AROMA indicator light turns on. Fig. 13.
To cancel the AROMA mode, press the
(4) again.
To remove the used grounds, remove the lter and lter holder from the coffee maker. Fig. 14a.
Discard the coffee grounds and the lter paper. Fig. 14b.
Do not clean the appliance if it is still hot.
Wash the removable lter holder using hot soapy water.
Clean the coffee maker using a damp soft cloth or sponge. Never use
abrasive or strong products on any part of your coffee maker.
To clean the stainless steel parts of your coffee maker, moisten a soft
cloth or sponge with hot water. Wipe them well using a dry cloth.
For stubborn stains, use a cloth with some white vinegar.
Do not immerse the appliance in water or under the tap.
Do not put any parts except inner lter, carafe and spoon into
Why is descaling important?
Limescale builds up naturally in your coffee maker. Descaling helps to protect the coffee maker, ensure
a longer service life and consistently high-quality coffee over time. Limescale may permanently alter
the appliance’s performance.
When is it time to descale?
The frequency of descaling depends on water hardness and the number of coffee cycles. (8) will
light on to remind user that your machine requires descaling.
If descaling is not required by user, press (6) to cancel.
How to descale your coffee maker
Use a descaling solution or 0.5 L of white vinegar diluted in 0.5 L of cold or warm water. Fig. 15.
Pour the solution into the water tank. Fig. 16.
Do not put any coffee in the lter and press (11) to start the descaling cycle. Fig. 17.
Please wait until the end of the cycle.
To rinse the machine, start 2 complete 10-cup cycles with water, but without coffee.
Repeat the operation as needed.
The guarantee does not cover coffee makers that are inoperative or which run badly due to a
lack of descaling.
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 1.61 MB)
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Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Tefal CM883D10 Majestuo Máquina de café. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Tefal. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Tefal CM883D10 Majestuo Máquina de café en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Tefal
Modelo CM883D10 Majestuo
Categoría Máquinas de café
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 1.61 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Tefal CM883D10 Majestuo Máquina de café

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

¿Qué dice la molienda sobre el café? Verificado

El tipo de molienda determina en gran medida el sabor del café. La molienda más fina generalmente significa un sabor más pronunciado, mientras que la molienda más gruesa resulta en un sabor más suave. Con la molienda muy fina el café puede estar amargo.

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¿Cuál es la mejor forma de almacenar el café? Verificado

El café se almacena mejor en una lata limpia y hermética.

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¿Con qué frecuencia debo descalcificar mi máquina de café Tefal? Verificado

Tefal recomienda hacerlo entre 20 y 40 ciclos o una vez al mes. Depende del uso y de la dureza del agua.

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¿Puedo poner la jarra de mi cafetera Tefal en el lavavajillas? Verificado

Sí, tanto la jarra como el portafiltro pueden lavarse en el lavavajillas. Asegúrese de colocarlos siempre en la rejilla superior.

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Manual de uso Tefal CM883D10 Majestuo Máquina de café

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