Manual de uso Tefal DV8630Q1 Vaporizador de prendas

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Manual de uso


Please read the instructions for use and important safeguards carefully.
• Remove any packaging from the appliance.
• Do not plug in or turn on until assembly is complete.
Filling with water
• Your steam brush has been designed to operate using untreated tap water. If your water is
very hard (check with your local water authority) it is possible to mix tap water with store-
bought distilled or demineralised water in the following proportions:
- 50% untreated tap water,
- 50% distilled or demineralised water.
• Remove the water tank by pulling the button and lifting the water tank (Fig.1).
• Remove the water inlet cover.
• Fill the water tank to the top with water until Max mark fig.2 and close it securly. Make sure
that the cover is properly pushed in place - fig.3.
• Completely unwind the power cord. Plug in your steam brush.
1. Water tank cover
2. Temperature control
3. Removable water tank
4. Water tank release button
5. Temperature ready light
6. Cord protector
7. Beaker
8. Steam burst trigger
9. Iron rest support
10. Lint pad
11. Fabric brush accessory
12. Storage
It is normal for a small amount of smoke to be produced the first time the appliance
is used. This will quickly disappear. This product is tested with water, some residual
water may still be in the water tank.
Warning ! Never use 100% distilled or demineralised water as this can cause the
appliance to spit and leak.
Important: Heat concentrates the elements contained in water during evaporation.
The types of water listed below may contain organic waste, mineral or chemical elements
that can cause spitting, brown staining, or premature wear of the appliance: water from
clothes dryers, scented or softened water, water from refrigerators, batteries, air
conditioners, rain water, boiled, filtered or bottled water. Also use distilled or
demineralised water only as advised above.
9100017919-01 DV86XX U1.qxp_110x154-9100017919 30/03/15 14:12 Page4
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Marca Tefal
Modelo DV8630Q1
Categoría Vaporizadores de prendas
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 0.74 MB

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Manual de uso Tefal DV8630Q1 Vaporizador de prendas

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