Manual de uso Thermador SEMW302BS Horno

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Manual de uso


SEM/SEMW Oven Care and Use Manual
Safety Precautions
This appliance must be properly installed and
grounded by a qualified technician. Connect only
to properly grounded outlet. See “Grounding In-
structions” found in the Installation Instructions.
This appliance should be serviced only by a quali-
fied service technician. Contact the nearest au-
thorized service center for examination, repair
or adjustment.
Do not repair or replace any part of the oven
unless specifically recommended. Refer service
to an authorized service center.
Do not operate this appliance if it is not working
properly or if it has been damaged, until an auth–
orized technician has examined it.
Install or locate this appliance only in accordance
with the Installation Instructions.
Use this oven only as intended by the manufac-
turer. If you have any questions, contact the
Do not cover or block any openings on this appli–
Use this appliance only for its intended use as
described in this manual. Do not use corrosive
chemicals, vapors, or nonfood products in this
appliance. This type of oven is specifically de-
signed to heat or cook. It is not designed for
industrial or laboratory use. The use of corrosive
chemicals in heating or cleaning will damage the
In the event that personal clothing or hair catches
guish flames.
This oven is intended for residential use only. It
is not approved for outdoor use.
When properly cared for, your new Thermador oven
has been designed to be a safe, reliable appliance.
Read all instructions carefully before using this
oven. These precautions will reduce the risk of
burns, electric shock, fire and injury to persons.
When using kitchen appliances, basic safety
precautions must be followed, including the
Continued on next page
Do not allow children to use this appliance, un-
less closely supervised by an adult. Children and
pets should not be left alone or unattended in
the area where the appliance is in use. Never al-
low children to sit or stand on any part of the
Do not store items of interest to children above
the oven. If children should climb onto the appli-
ance to reach these items, they could be seri-
ously injured.
To reduce the risk of fire in the oven cavity:
1. Do not store flammable materials in or near the
2. Do not use water on a grease fire. Smother fire
or use a dry chemical or foam-type extinguisher.
3. It is highly recommended that a fire extinguisher
be readily available and highly visible next to any
cooking appliance.
4. Do not overcook food. Carefully attend oven if
paper, plastic or other combustible materials are
placed inside the oven.
5. Do not use the cavity for storage purposes. Do
not leave paper products, cooking utensils or food
in the cavity when not being used.
6. If materials inside the oven should ignite, keep
oven door closed. Turn oven off and disconnect
the circuit at the circuit breaker box.
7. Do not block any vent openings.
8. Be sure the blower fan runs whenever the oven
is in operation. If the fan does not operate, do
not use the oven. Call an authorized service cen-
9. Never use the oven to warm or heat a room. This
can damage the oven parts.
10. For personal safety, wear proper clothing. Loose
fitting or garments with hanging sleeves should
never be worn while using this appliance.
Important Safety Instructions
Please read all instructions before using this appliance.
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Marca Thermador
Modelo SEMW302BS
Categoría Hornos
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 2.44 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Thermador SEMW302BS Horno

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Mi horno no se calienta lo suficiente, ¿qué debo hacer? Verificado

El termostato hace que el horno se caliente a la temperatura elegida. Probablemente el termostato está defectuoso. Hágalo reemplazar. En caso de duda, póngase en contacto con el fabricante.

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¿Qué es la pirólisis? Verificado

Algunos hornos están equipados con una función de pirólisis. Se trata de un sistema de limpieza que quema la suciedad y la grasa en el horno alcanzando temperaturas muy altas. Después de la pirólisis, toda la suciedad se habrá convertido en cenizas por lo que es fácil de eliminar. Si el horno tiene una función de pirólisis, aconsejamos utilizarla de 3 a 4 veces al año para mantenerlo limpio.

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¿Puedo asar varios alimentos simultáneamente si uso más de una bandeja de parrilla? Verificado

Técnicamente, es posible. Sin embargo, según el tipo de alimento es posible que tenga que ajustar el tiempo de cocción o cambiar las bandejas a mitad del tiempo de preparación.

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Cuando utilizo el horno, a menudo quedan restos de comida que caen al fondo y provocan humo. ¿Cómo puedo prevenir esto? Verificado

Muchos hornos vienen con una rejilla y una bandeja para hornear. Cuando se preparan alimentos en la parrilla, la bandeja de horno se puede colocar en la parte inferior para evitar que los restos de alimentos se quemen y provoquen humo.

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El humo se acumula en el horno cuando se calienta. ¿Por qué? Verificado

Probablemente hay restos de comida de un plato anterior en el horno. Los restos de alimentos muy grasientos pueden generar humo cuando se calientan. Limpie el horno a fondo.

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Manual de uso Thermador SEMW302BS Horno

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