Manual de uso Thule Ocean 100 Cofre portaequipajes

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Manual de uso


Before every journey and depending on the state of
the roads at regular intervals, check that the roof box
is fi xed tight ly to the roof rack, the load is suffi ciently
secure , the roof box is locked and the keys have been
removed from the locks.
If the loads haven’t been secured suffi ciently or if the
roof rack and roof box haven’t been fi xed properly, they
might work loose and cause serious accidents!
Please note the difference in height of your vehicle with
the box on and the different handling of the car (sensiti-
ve to side winds, corner handling and brakes) if the roof
rack and box have been fi tted and especially if they have
been loaded. No additional loads must be attached to the
out si de of the box.
The admissible overall weight of the vehicle must not
be ex cee ded. Also note the manufacturers instructions
re gar ding the maximum roof load.
Calculating the existing roof load:
Weight of roof rack
+ weight of roof box
+ weight of load
= existing load on roof
Weight of roof box:
Model 80 = 11 kg
Model 100 = 12 kg
Model 200 = 14 kg
Model 500 = 12 kg
Model 600 = 14 kg
Model 700 = 15 kg
Speed must be adapted to suit the load being transpor-
ted, the current conditions such as road conditions, road
sur face, traf fi c, wind etc. and naturally the valid speed
re stric tions must also be taken into consideration. If
there are no other speed restrictions, we recommend a
maximum speed limit of 130 km/h.
The roof box should be carefully cleaned and cared for
du ring the winter months. Only use a solution of water
and was hing-up liquid without alcohol, chlorine or am-
monium additives as these will damage the surface of
the roof top car go box. Please do not use common cock-
pit sprays to cle an your roof top cargo box. Lubricate
the locks with a spray lubricant (make sure it does not
get on the plastic surface.
Caution: Lubricants; oils and greases must not come
in contact with plastic surface of the box. It could
cause the material to become brittle which could lead
to a break.After use please clean the box and store it
in a dry place in horizontal position
When using your roof box please note:
- The height of the vehicle can increase by up to 60 cm
(de pen ding on the roof rack).
- Take care in the case of low underground car parks or
low entries, low branches etc..
- Wind noise can be created.
- When using an automatic car wash, the roof rack and
the roof box must be removed.
- In addition to these instructions, please also note the
in struc tions in the tting instructions for the roof rack
and the operating instructions of the vehicle.
- To save energy and for the safety of other traffi c par ti -
ci pants, the roof rack and roof box should be removed
if not in use.
- For your own safety, you should only use inspected
(e.g. GS inspected) roof racks which have also been
ap pro ved for your vehicle.
- To avoid increased lifting force, the roof box must be
t ted as parallel to the road surface as possible (i.e.
not at an ang le).
These instructions should be kept together with the
ope ra ting instructions of your vehicle and always kept
in the ve hic le.
The manufacturers guarantee and liability for damage
to the material or accidents are cancelled if changes are
made to the fi tting sets and the roof box and if other re-
pla ce ment parts or accessories other than those specifi ed
by the ma nu fac tu r er are used. Therefore please adhere
to these in struc tions in de tail and only use the original
parts inclu ded with the roof top cargo box. If you should
lose some parts or if they wear out, please only use
ori gi nal re pla ce ment parts which can be purcha sed from
the dealer.
To ensure that replacement parts arrive quickly and to
avo id time intensive enquiries, please use the “BA-no.”
when or de ring replacement parts or making enquiries.
This BA no. is prin ted on a sticker in the top of the roof
top car go box.
To get replacement keys quickly if you have lost your
keys or they are faulty, please make a note of the key
and lock num bers.
After use please clean the box and store it in a dry place
in horizontal position
The manufacturers are not liable for damage or
accidents caused by disregarding these instructions,
changes made to parts or the use of other parts than
the manufacturer’s ori gi nal replacement parts.
Important information
Ocean 04-03.indd 5 08.05.2003, 21:24:10
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 6.96 MB)
(Piense en el medioambiente y solo imprima este manual si es de verdad necesario)



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Más sobre este manual

Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Thule Ocean 100 Cofre portaequipajes. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Thule. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Thule Ocean 100 Cofre portaequipajes en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Thule
Modelo Ocean 100
Categoría Cofres portaequipajes
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 6.96 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Thule Ocean 100 Cofre portaequipajes

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

¿A qué velocidad puedo conducir con una caja de techo montada en el coche? Verificado

Por lo general, no hay un límite concreto. Sin embargo, una caja de techo puede influir en la experiencia al volante. Por esta razón, se aconseja no superar los 130 kilómetros por hora.

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¿Influye en mi consumo de combustible un maletero de techo? Verificado

Sí. Aunque el consumo exacto depende del coche y del maletero de techo, se puede decir que el consumo de combustible aumentará con 1 litro cada 100 kilómetros recorridos a una velocidad media de 100 km/h.

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¿Cuál es la mejor manera de cargar un maletero de techo? Verificado

En primer lugar, procure cargar los objetos más pesados en el propio coche y los más ligeros en el maletero de techo. Distribuya el peso uniformemente sobre el maletero de techo, con los objetos más pesados en el medio, sobre las barras del techo. Asegúrese de que los objetos en el maletero de techo no puedan moverse y cubra los objetos afilados para evitar daños en el maletero de techo o demás equipaje.

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Manual de uso Thule Ocean 100 Cofre portaequipajes

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