Manual de uso Troy-Bilt TB610 CORE Cortacésped

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Manual de uso


Section 1 — important Safe operation practiceS
Battery Charger Safety
WARNING: Only use a 4044
battery charger to charge 4144
or 6216 batteries. DO NOT
attempt to charge any other
batteries with a 4044 battery
charger. Other types of batteries may burst,
causing fire, personal injury or property
1. A nameplate on the charger indicates
the voltage used. Never connect the
charger to an AC voltage that differs
from this voltage.
2. An extension cord should not be used
unless absolutely necessary. Use of
an improper extension cord could
result in a risk of fire, electric shock or
3. Do not use multiple extension cords.
4. Make sure the extension cord is heavy
enough to carry the current drawn by
the charger. An undersized extension
cord will cause a drop in line voltage,
resulting in a loss of power and
overheating. If in doubt, use the next
heavier gauge cord. The smaller the
gauge number, the heavier the cord.
Cord Length (ft.) 25 50 100 150
Wire Size (AWG) 16 16 16 14
5. Make sure the cords are in good
condition. Inspect the power cord and
extension cord periodically. Look closely
for deterioration, cuts or cracks in the
insulation. If a cord is damaged in any
manner while plugged in, disconnect
the cord from both the outlet and the
charger. Do not use a damaged cord.
Damaged cords should be repaired or
6. Do not abuse cords. Never pull or carry
the charger by a cord. Keep cords away
from heat, oil, water, sharp edges, and
moving objects. Always grasp the plug
when disconnecting a cord.
7. Never modify a plug, cord or outlet in
any way.
8. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)
protection should be provided on the
circuit(s) or outlet(s) to be used with
this charger. For an extra measure of
safety, use receptacles with built-in GFCI
9. Do not place the battery charger where
cords might be stepped on, tripped over
or subjected to damage.
10. Do not charge batteries in the rain or in
wet conditions. Keep the battery charger
in a cool and dry area.
11. Keep the battery charger away from all
12. Do not allow small metal items or
material such as steel wool, aluminum
foil or other foreign particles into the
charger port.
13. Do not probe the charger with
conductive material. There is a risk of
electric shock.
14. Do not cover the battery charger. The
battery charger may overheat.
15. Do not allow the battery or battery
charger to overheat. If they are warm,
allow them to cool down. Only charge
batteries in temperatures between 32°
and 104° F (0° and 40° C).
16. Always unplug the battery charger
before cleaning it. Always unplug the
battery charger when it is not in use.
Battery Safety
1. Do not expose the battery to fire or to
temperatures over 176º F (80º C). Doing
so could cause an explosion.
2. Handle batteries with care. Do not short
the battery with conductive materials,
such as rings, bracelets, keys, etc.
Shorting the battery may cause personal
injury, damage to the battery or a fire.
3. When the battery is not in use, keep it
away from small metal objects, such as
paper clips, coins, nails, etc. These items
could connect one terminal to another
and short the battery.
4. Do not attempt to charge a cracked or
damaged battery.
5. Do not use a damaged or modified
battery. Doing so could result in a fire,
explosion or personal injury.
WARNING: The battery may
present a risk of fire or chemical
burn if mistreated. Do not
disassemble, overheat or
incinerate the battery.
WARNING: The battery may
develop a small leak under
extreme usage or temperature
IF battery fluid contacts skin:
Immediately wash the area with soap
and water.
Neutralize the battery fluid with a mild
acid (lemon juice, vinegar, etc.).
Seek immediate medical attention.
If battery fluid gets in the eyes:
Immediately flush the eyes with clean
water for at least 15 minutes.
Seek immediate medical attention.
WARNING: Only use 4144 or
6216 batteries with this machine.
DO NOT use any other type of
battery, attachment or accessory
with this machine. Other types of
batteries, attachments or accessories could
lead to serious injury, property damage or
damage to the machine.
WARNING: Only charge 4144 or
6216 batteries with a 4044
battery charger. DO NOT attempt
to use any other battery charger
to charge 4144 or 6216 batteries.
Other types of battery chargers may cause the
batteries to burst, resulting in fire, personal
injury or property damage.
FCC Statement
CAUTION: Changes or
modifications not expressly
approved by the party
responsible for compliance could
void the user’s authority to
operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and
found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. However, there is
no guarantee that interference will not occur
in a particular installation. If this equipment
does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined
by turning the equipment off and on, the user
is encouraged to try to correct the interference
by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving
Increase the separation between the
equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet
on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced
radio/TV technician for help.
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 5.24 MB)
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Flossie McDonald 26-05-2022
Corté parte de mi jardín y las baterías se agotaron, así que las cargué, pero cuando las volví a colocar en la cortadora de césped no arrancó, ¿qué sucede?

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Entendemos que es bueno tener un manual en papel para tus Troy-Bilt TB610 CORE Cortacésped. Siempre puedes descargar el manual desde nuestro sitio web e imprimirlo tú mismo. Si deseas tener un manual original te recomendamos contactar con Troy-Bilt. Es posible que puedan proporcionar un manual original. ¿Estás buscando el manual de tu Troy-Bilt TB610 CORE Cortacésped en otro idioma? Elija su idioma preferido en nuestra página de inicio y busque el número de modelo para ver si lo tenemos disponible.


Marca Troy-Bilt
Modelo TB610 CORE
Categoría Cortacéspedes
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 5.24 MB

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¿Cómo puedo saber cuándo cambiar las cuchillas de la cortacésped? Verificado

Las cuchillas afiladas cortarán el césped limpiamente. Las cuchillas desgastadas desgarran el césped toscamente y este se volverá marrón enseguida. Cuando la cortadora desgarre el césped, será el momento de cambiar o afilar las cuchillas.

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¿Qué es el mantillo? Verificado

Algunos cortacéspedes son capaces de procesar la hierba para que forme un mantillo orgánico. Trituran la hierba finamente y la soplan sobre el césped. Allí el mantillo nutre y protege la hierba.

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Me equivoqué y eché gasoil a mi cortacésped de gasolina. ¿Qué debo hacer? Verificado

NO use el cortacésped. La única opción es vaciar completamente el depósito y llenarlo con el combustible adecuado.

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¿Cuál es la mejor longitud para mi césped? Verificado

Para evitar que la hierba se seque, no debe ser demasiado corta. Es mejor cortar la hierba más a menudo que dejarla demasiado corta. La longitud óptima es de entre 3 y 4 centímetros.

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¿Puedo cortar el césped cuando está mojado? Verificado

Es posible, pero no recomendable. Cuando el césped está húmedo, se amontonará durante el corte, lo que evitará un resultado óptimo.

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¿Cuál es el momento adecuado para cortar mi césped? Verificado

La mejor época para cortar el césped es de marzo a octubre. La siega debe hacerse una o dos veces por semana dependiendo de la rapidez con la que crezca la hierba. La mejor hora del día para cortar el césped es al final de la tarde y nunca a plena luz del sol. Así evitará que la hierba se seque después de cortarla.

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¿A partir de qué superficie de césped es mejor elegir un cortacésped eléctrico y cuándo uno de gasolina? Verificado

Para superficies de hasta 300 m² puede utilizar un cortacésped a batería. Para superficies más grandes se recomienda usar un cortacésped de gasolina.

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¿Puedo dejar que un robot cortacésped funcione por la noche? Verificado

Es mejor no dejar que un robot cortacésped funcione durante la noche. Algunos animales, como los erizos, son principalmente activos durante la noche. A menudo, no son lo suficientemente rápidos para escapar del robot cortacésped y pueden resultar gravemente heridos o muertos.

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Manual de uso Troy-Bilt TB610 CORE Cortacésped

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