Manual de uso Velleman DVM630 Multímetro

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Manual de uso


V. 01 22/04/2013 7 ©Velleman Inc.
Warning: This device was designed in accordance with EN 61010-1
installation category CAT II 600V. This implies that certain restrictions in use
apply that are related to voltages and voltage peaks which can occur within
the environment of use. Refer to the table above.
This device is suitable for measurements up to 600 V on:
protected electronic circuits that are not directly connected to mains
power, e.g. electronics circuits, control signals, circuits behind isolating
circuits that are directly connected to mains power, but limited to:
o measurements on mono-phase appliances that are connected to the
mains by means of a plug
o mono-phase appliances and circuits directly connected to the mains
in a normal domestic environment, provided that the circuit is at
least 33 ft apart from a CAT III, or 66 ft (20 m) apart from a CAT IV
environment. E.g. household appliances, portable tools, light circuits
at more than 33 ft (10 m) from a distribution board…
This device is NOT suitable for:
voltages above 600 V
measurements in/on low-voltage distribution boards (distribution boards
behind meter box)
measurements on (fixed) mono- or poly-phased appliances and circuits
in CAT III/CAT IV environments (e.g. mains outlets, electric ovens,
lighting circuits, bus bars, low-voltage distribution boards and circuit
measurements on distribution equipment and outdoor installations
including meter boxes and equipment/circuits outside or remote from
the domestic environment e.g. circuits in sheds, garden houses and
free-standing garages, or circuits using underground wiring e.g. garden
lighting, pool-pump
This device is only suitable for measurements up to 600 V in CAT II
5. Pollution Degree
IEC 61010-1 specifies different types of pollution environments, for which
different protective measures are necessary to ensure safety. Harsher
environments require more protection, and the protection against the
pollution which is to be found in a certain environment depends mainly on
the insulation and the enclosure properties. The pollution degree rating of
the DMM indicates in which environment the device may be used.
degree 1
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Marca Velleman
Modelo DVM630
Categoría Multímetros
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 0.92 MB

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Manual de uso Velleman DVM630 Multímetro

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