Manual de uso Candy CH64CCB/S Placa

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Manual de uso


07 GB
Using good quality cookware is critical for setting
the best performance from your hob.
Ensure that the base of the pot or pan is dry : when filling pans
with liquid or using one that has been stored in the refrigerator, ensure
that the base of the pan is completely dry before placing it on the hob.
This will help to avoid staining the hob.
Always use good uality cookware with perfectly flat and thick
bases : using this type of cookware will prevent hot spots that cause
food to stick. Thick metal pots and pans will provide an even
distribution of heat.
Use pans whose diameter is wide enough to completely cover
the surface unit : the size of the pan should be no smaller than the
heating area. If it is slightly wider the energy will be used at its
maximum efficiency.
THE CHOICE OF COOARE - The following information will help
you to choose cookware which will give good performance.
Because of its low melting point, thin aluminium should not be used.
Copper Bottom / stoneware: heavy weight recommended. Good
performance, but copper may leave residues which can appear as
scratches. The residues can be removed, as long as the hob is
cleaned immediately. However, do not let these pots boil dry.
Overheated metal can bond to glass hobs. An overheated copper pot
will leave a residue that will permanently stain the hob.
Porcelain/enamel : Good perfomance only with a thiny smooth, flat
Aluminium : heavy weight recommended. Good conductivity.
Aluminium residues sometimes appear as scratches on the hob, but
can be removed if cleaned immediately.
Stainless Steel : highly recommended. Especially good with a
sandwich clad base. The sandwich base combines the benefits of
stainless steel (appearance, durability and stability) with the
advantages of aluminium or copper (heat conduction, even heat
Cast Iron : usable, but not recommended. Poor performance. May
scratch the surface.
Glass-ceramic : not recommended. Poor performance. May scratch
the surface.
5. USE
Through the "Power management" function, the user can set the
maximum power that can be reached by the hob. Power management
function is only available during first 30 seconds after switch on the
hob. There is even the possibility to repeat this setting switching off
and on the power plug. By setting the desired maximum power, the
hob automatically adjusts the distribution in the various cooking zones
so that this limit is never exceeded; with the added advantage of being
able to simultaneously manage all the zones without overload
problems. The customer can set the maximum power of hob between
2.5 kW and the maximum related power of the hob (this can change
according to the model) (for example if the maximum power of the hob
is 7.2 kW. The maximum power level for setting is between 2.5kW and
7.2kW) At the time of purchase, the hob is set to maximum power. After
connecting the appliance to the electrical power, within 30 seconds
you can set the power level based on the points shown below:
1.- Swtch on hob.
2.- Let touch control fnsh ts ntalzaton process.
4.- After ths moment, ths message wll appear on dsplay.
3.- Before pass 30 seconds touch durng 5 seconds key.
How to choose power management level
0 0
5.- Usng ‘Plus’ and ‘Mnus’ keys Power management value can be
adjusted. In ths example case between 6500 and 2500w. When
requred value s selected, touch at the same tme ‘Plus’ & ‘Mnus’ keys
durng 5 seconds.
6.- When ths process s fnshed, a long beep s heard and a reset s
produced. Start-up process wll be generated agan.
7.- After start-up process, n tmer dsplay ECO power management
wll be showed.
After that, touch control won´t allow any combnaton whch
can exceed ths Eco lmt.
1) If any cooking stage is in position 0, this display will switch OFF
automatically after 10 seconds and the zone OFF sequence will
4) If only one heater is active and this one is switched off, 4 Short beep
will be heard indicating all cook top is Off.
3) Even lock function is active you can switch OFF a zone.
2) If there is residual heat indication in the display which is OFF, "H" will
be displayed.
Switch ON/OFF a heater zone
To switch ON a heater Touch any heater´s zone during 400 msec.
Long beep will be heard and "0" value will appear in target zone digit,
indicating power level.
1) If any cooking stage is in position 0, this display will switch OFF
automatically after 10 seconds and the zone OFF sequence will
2) If there is residual heat indication in the display which is ON but in 0
power, "0" will appear changing over.
3) If lock function is active you cannot switch ON a zone.
To switch O a heater Touch any heater´s zone during 1,2 sec. 3
Short beeps will be heard and nothing or "H" value will appear in
target zone digit if residual heat exists. Zone will be OFF.
Descargue el manual en Español (PDF, 12.77 MB)
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Marca Candy
Modelo CH64CCB/S
Categoría Placas
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 12.77 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Candy CH64CCB/S Placa

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

¿Qué sartenes se pueden usar en una placa de inducción? Verificado

Por lo general, todas las sartenes ferromagnéticas se pueden usar en una placa de inducción. Casi todas las sartenes modernas son aptas para inducción.

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El enchufe de mi placa eléctrica no encaja en una toma corriente. ¿Qué debo hacer? Verificado

Muchas placas eléctricas (tanto de cerámica como de inducción) están equipadas con un enchufe diferente. Se debe a que estos aparatos necesitan mucha potencia. Acuda a un profesional para que le instale el aparato.

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¿Por qué se escucha un clic al encender el cocina? Verificado

Si se ha limpiado el cocina con abundante agua, los mandos podrían haberse mojado, provocando el encendido. Espere a que los mandos se sequen. Si el problema persiste, contacte con el fabricante.

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Manual de uso Candy CH64CCB/S Placa

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