Manual de uso Bosch TDA1503UC Plancha

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Manual de uso


Ironing with steam Fig. 4
The motor conveys a uniform volume of steam.
lf the set temperature is too low, the steam is
automatically switched off to prevent dripping.
Steam volume control Fig. 5
(for some models)
Your ¡ron is equipped with steam volume control.
Use the control dial to set the steam volume;
Dial to the left = minimum steam volume
Dial to the right = maximum steam volume
The steam volume control is lighted.
Spray Fig.6
Vertical steam feature Fig.7
Te mperature: max
Hang a item of clothing on a hanger and move
the ¡ron vertically at a distance of 10-20 cm from the
clothing, holding down the motor steam
Do NOT iron clothing which is being worn!
After ironing
Empty the tank: hold the ¡ron with the point down
and shake gently.
Store the ¡ron upright and not on the soleplate.
Risk of corrosion (Fig. 8)!
Pull out the mains plug and allow the soleplate to
cool down.
Wipe the housing and soleplate with a damp
cloth only. lf the soleplate is very dirty, iron a linen
cloth soaked in white vinegar or place the
soleplate in a receptacle containing vinegar (max.
1 mm deep). Then rinse with water and dry
thoroughly. Or:
At max setting rub off residue immediately with
a thickly folded, dry cotton cloth.
Caution! Risk of burns!
Never descale the tank or treat with
detergents or solvents, as this would cause
water to drip from the iron when generating
or spraying steam!
Instead: approx. every 4 weeks heat up the ¡ron
with a full tank for 3 minutes at max. setting, then
switch to min. setting and hold the ¡ron over
a bowl and press the motor steam button (Fig. 4)
until the motor automatically switches off
(recognisable by noise and vibration). Set to max.
again and press the motor steam button for
2-3 minutes to flush out the steam chamber.
When the soleplate has cooled down, clean
thoroughly with a damp cloth.
Do not clean the appliance with a professional
steam cleaner
Please ask your dealer or inquire at your local
authority about current means of disposal.
This appliance is intended for domestic and not
industrial use.
Keep the operating instructions in a safe place!
Safety information
Electric shock and fire risk
Connect and operate the appliance only in accordance
with the specifications on the rating plate.
lf the cable or appliance is damaged, do NOT use the
Keep children away from the appliance.
After using the appliance and if a fault occurs,
pull out the plug.
Before filling the tank, pull out the plug. For safety rea-
sons, repairs e.g. replacing a damaged cable, should
only be carried out by our Customer service division.
NEVER leave a switched-on iron unattended!
Before using your appliance for the
first time
Take the protector off the sole plate
Allow tap water to evaporate for 10 to
20 seconds (press the motor steam button, Fig. 4).
Using the appliance
The pilot light switches ON while the appliance is hea-
ting up and switches OFF as soon as the set tempera-
ture is reached. lf the temperature of the hot iron
drops, you can continue ironing while the iron heats up
again to the set temperature.
Sort laundry according to the fabric care labels and
start at the lowest temperature :
Ironing without steam Fig.1
Do NOT press the motor steam button.
Filling the tank Fig.2/3
First remove the plug!
Use only clean water from the tap without mixing
anything with it. The addition of other liquids will
damage the appliance.
Mix tap water with distilled water according to the
following table in order to prolong the optimum
stream function.
Water Ratio of distilled water
hardness To tap water
Very soft/soft 0
Medium 0
Hard approx. 1
Very hard approx. 2
You can inquire about the water hardness with
your local waterworks.
Do not fill beyond the "Max." level mark!
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Marca Bosch
Modelo TDA1503UC
Categoría Planchas
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 2.2 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Bosch TDA1503UC Plancha

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

¿Puedo limpiar la suela de mi plancha con un estropajo? Verificado

No, porque esto podría dañar la suela. Use un paño húmedo o una esponja suave para limpiarla.

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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre una plancha de vapor y una plancha normal? Verificado

La mayor ventaja de una plancha de vapor es que elimina las arrugas más fácilmente debido al uso del vapor. Por el contrario, una plancha normal es mucho más ligera y a menudo más barata.

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La suela de mi plancha se ha descolorido. ¿Puedo seguir planchando con ella? Verificado

Es posible planchar, pero existe la posibilidad de que se pegue a la ropa de color claro.

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¿Puedo planchar los botones? Verificado

No, porque dañará la suela de la plancha impidiendo que ésta funcione correctamente. Nunca planche los botones, las cremalleras u otros objetos duros.

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Manual de uso Bosch TDA1503UC Plancha

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