Manual de uso Maytag MGC4436BDB Placa

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Manual de uso


A properly adjusted burner with clean ports will light within a few seconds. If using
natural gas, the flame will be blue with a deeper blue inner cone.
If the burner flame is yellow or is noisy, the air/gas mixture may be incorrect. Contact
a service technician to adjust. (Adjustments are not covered by the warranty.)
With LP gas, some yellow tips on the flames are acceptable. This is normal and
adjustment is not necessary.
With some types of gas, you may hear a “popping” sound when the surface burner is
turned off. This is a normal operating sound of the burner.
To improve cooking efficiency and to prevent possible damage to the cooktop or pan,
the flame must be adjusted so it does not extend beyond the edge of the pan.
To prevent the cooktop from discoloring
or staining:
Clean cooktop after each use.
Wipe acidic or sugary spills as soon as
the cooktop has cooled as these spills
may discolor the surface.
can be used to quickly bring water to a boil
and for large-quantity cooking.
*BTU ratings will vary when using LP gas.
Burner Grates
The grates must be properly positioned be-
fore cooking. Improper installation of the
grates may result in chipping of the cooktop.
Do not operate the burners without a pan
on the grate. The grate’s porcelain finish
may chip without a pan to absorb the heat
from the burner flame.
Although the burner grates are durable,
they will gradually lose their shine and/or
discolor, due to the high temperatures of
the gas flame.
Cooktop at a
There is one high speed burner on your
cooktop, located in the right front position.
This burner offers higher speed cooking that
1. Left rear burner (9,200 BTUs).
2. Right rear burner (9,200 BTUs).
3. Left front burner (9,200 BTUs).
4. Right front burner (12,500 BTUs).
Model CGC2430
Surface Cooking, cont.
1. Left front burner (9,200 BTUs).
2. Left rear burner (10,500 BTUs).
3. Center burner (9,200 BTUs).
4. Right rear burner (9,200 BTUs).
5. Right front burner (12,500 BTUs).
Model CGC2536
Sealed Burners
The sealed burners are secured to the cooktop
and are not designed to be removed. Since
the burners are sealed into the cooktop,
boilovers or spills will not seep underneath
the cooktop.
However, the burners should be cleaned af-
ter each use. The head portion of the burner
has a removable cap that is easily removed
for cleaning. (See page 6 for cleaning direc-
Burner caps must be correctly placed on the
burner base for proper operation of the burner.
1 2 3 4 5
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Marca Maytag
Modelo MGC4436BDB
Categoría Placas
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 0.97 MB

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¿Qué sartenes se pueden usar en una placa de inducción? Verificado

Por lo general, todas las sartenes ferromagnéticas se pueden usar en una placa de inducción. Casi todas las sartenes modernas son aptas para inducción.

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El enchufe de mi placa eléctrica no encaja en una toma corriente. ¿Qué debo hacer? Verificado

Muchas placas eléctricas (tanto de cerámica como de inducción) están equipadas con un enchufe diferente. Se debe a que estos aparatos necesitan mucha potencia. Acuda a un profesional para que le instale el aparato.

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¿Por qué se escucha un clic al encender el cocina? Verificado

Si se ha limpiado el cocina con abundante agua, los mandos podrían haberse mojado, provocando el encendido. Espere a que los mandos se sequen. Si el problema persiste, contacte con el fabricante.

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Manual de uso Maytag MGC4436BDB Placa

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