Manual de uso Bosch HMB50152UC Microondas

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Manual de uso


The model stated on the front cover is rated at 120V AC,
60 Hz and uses a NEMA 5-15 plug to connect to a
dedicated 120 V microwave circuit.
WARNING - Improper use of grounding can result in a
risk of electric shock.
TV / Radio Interference
This appliance generates and uses ISM frequency
energy. If not installed and used properly, in strict
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, it may
cause interference to radio and television reception. It
has been type tested and found to comply with limits for
ISM equipment pursuant to part 18 of FCC rules, which
are designed to provide reasonable protection against
such interference in a residential installation. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. Turn the appliance on and off to
determine if it causes interference. Try the following to
correct the interference:
Clean door and sealing surface of the oven.
Reorient the receiving antenna of the radio or
Relocate the microwave oven with respect to the
Move the microwave oven away from the receiver.
Plug the microwave into a different outlet so that the
oven and the receiver are on different branch circuits.
The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV
interference caused by unauthorized modification to this
microwave oven. It is the responsibility of the user to
correct such interference.
Intended Use
This appliance is intended for normal family household
use only. It is not approved for outdoor use. See the
Statement of Limited Product Warranty. If you have any
questions, contact the manufacturer.
Do not use the cavity for storage purposes. Do not leave
paper products, cooking utensils, or food in the cavity
when not in use.
Do not operate oven when room humidity is excessive.
This oven is suitable for use above both conventional
built-in gas and electric ovens 36” (914 mm) or less
Child Safety
Do not allow children to use this appliance. Failure to do
so can result in burns or serious injury to children.
Children and pets should not be left alone or unattended
in the area where the appliance is in use. They should
never be allowed to play in its vicinity, whether or not the
appliance is in use.
When children become old enough to use the appliance,
it is the responsibility of the parents or legal guardians to
ensure that they are instructed in safe practices by
qualified persons.
Do not allow anyone to climb, stand, lean, sit, or hang on
any part of an appliance, especially a door, warming
drawer, or storage drawer. This can damage the
appliance, and the unit may tip over, potentially causing
severe injury.
Cleaning Safety
When cleaning surfaces of door and oven that come
together on closing the door, use only mild, nonabrasive
soaps, or detergents applied with a sponge or soft cloth.
See door surface cleaning instructions in chapter
“Cleaning and Maintenance”.
Clean turntable roller rest and oven floor frequently to
prevent excessive noise.
Allow the glass tray to cool before cleaning or placing in
Be sure the entire appliance (including the light bulb) has
cooled and grease has solidified before attempting to
clean any part of the appliance.
Cooking Safety
To avoid personal injury or property damage, observe
the following:
Do not leave oven unattended while in use.
Do not store flammable material next to or in the
When flaming foods under the microwave, always
turn the fan on.
Do not operate the oven while empty. This could
damage the oven and result in a risk of fire.
Do not store or use corrosive chemicals, vapors,
flammables or nonfood products in or near this
appliance. It is specifically designed for use when
heating or cooking food. The use of corrosive
chemicals in heating or cleaning will damage the
appliance and could result in injury.
Do not dry clothes, newspapers or other
materials in the oven. Do not use newspapers or
paper bags for cooking. Fire could result.
Do not use recycled paper products unless
labeled safe for microwave use. They may
contain impurities which may cause sparks and
result in fires when used.
Always use potholders when removing items from
the oven. The cooking container and the glass
tray can be hot even if the oven is cool.
Whenever possible, do not operate the ventilation
system during a cooktop fire. However, do not
reach through fire to turn it off.
Do not mount over sink.
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Marca Bosch
Modelo HMB50152UC
Categoría Microondas
Tipo de archivo PDF
Tamaño del archivo 3.31 MB

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Bosch HMB50152UC Microondas

Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente busca información útil sobre los productos y responde a las preguntas frecuentes. Si encuentra inexactitudes en las preguntas frecuentes, indíquenoslo usando nuestro formulario de contacto.

Mi microondas no arranca cuando aprieto el botón de inicio, ¿qué puedo hacer? Verificado

En muchos casos no se ha cerrado la puerta correctamente. Abra y cierre la puerta e inténtelo de nuevo.

Ha sido de gran ayuda (3177) Leer más

¿Puedo usar el microondas cuando el plato giratorio no funciona? Verificado

El plato giratorio asegura que el calor se distribuya de manera uniforme. Cuando no funciona, el microondas no se puede usar correctamente. Repárelo.

Ha sido de gran ayuda (1923) Leer más

El microondas está encendido pero no funciona. ¿Porqué es eso? Verificado

Es posible que la puerta no cierre correctamente. Para garantizar la seguridad, un microondas no funcionará hasta que la puerta esté completamente cerrada. A veces, esto se puede solucionar ajustando la bisagra de la puerta.

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La placa de mica/cartón dentro del microondas se ha desprendido. ¿Podré seguir utilizando el microondas? Verificado

En absoluto. La placa de mica/cartón es la guía de ondas que distribuye las microondas. Vuelva a colocarla o consiga un reemplazo.

Ha sido de gran ayuda (1208) Leer más

Mi microondas sigue haciendo ruido, incluso después de haber terminado. ¿Es normal? Verificado

Sí, esto es un ruido normal. El ventilador enfría el microondas después de su uso. La duración depende del tiempo de funcionamiento del microondas.

Ha sido de gran ayuda (1009) Leer más

¿Por qué no puedo poner metal en mi microondas? Verificado

El metal no deja pasar las microondas sino que las rechaza. Cuando estas microondas rebotan en el mismo lugar, puede causar chispas.

Ha sido de gran ayuda (732) Leer más

¿Puedo hervir agua en el microondas? Verificado

No absolutamente no. El agua puede sobrecalentarse. Esto significa que el agua puede alcanzar una temperatura superior a 100 ℃ sin hervir. Cuando esta agua toca cualquier objeto, puede hervir y salpicar instantáneamente, provocando quemaduras.

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Manual de uso Bosch HMB50152UC Microondas

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